3 Things to Do to Get Back Track with Your Bible Reading Plan

A new year and fresh starts. They just seem to go so well together—don’t you think? Like how peanut butter and jelly make the perfect pair. There’s something about it that just simply works. Whether it’s creating new goals, establishing new routines, transitioning to a new job, or cultivating new relationships, the “newness” of the New Year captivates us all.  

But have you noticed how, after a few weeks in the New Year, all that “fresh” and “new” talk seems to fade away like a distant dream? Old habits start to creep back in and new goals fly out the window. Maybe even that Bible reading plan you had high hopes for is starting to collect dust—or at least the “missed days” list is now longer than the “completed days” list.  

 The true purpose of reading God’s Word is to draw closer to God | TDGC

As discouraging and frustrating as this can feel, the good news is that God doesn’t reprimand you for this. If you are in Christ, you can rest assured that His love for you is constant—even when you fall behind on your Bible reading.  

So, don’t let your frustrations or disappointments cause you to give up on your desire to read the Bible altogether. Instead, allow God’s immoveable and unconditional love for you to be the reason you open up your Bible and jump back into your Bible reading plan. And as you do so, here are three helpful tips. 

Remember Why You Wanted to Read the Bible  

Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” The Bible isn’t just a book of rules or ancient stories; it’s the living Word of God meant to reveal God’s heart and transform yours (2 Timothy 3:16–17; Hebrews 4:12). It doesn’t just tell you how to live; it’s life itself. Every time you open its pages, you have the opportunity to encounter the One who loves you and has given you everything in Christ. So before you rush back into a rigid schedule, take a moment to pause and remember that the true purpose of reading God’s Word is to draw closer to God—to know and experience Him.  

 The goal of a Bible reading plan is to engage with God’s Word | TDGC

Remove Distractions 


Whether it’s work, social media, television, or busy schedules, the world is full of things that try to pull our attention away from spending time with God. The more we let these distractions take over, the harder it becomes to open the Bible. And this isn’t random by any means—often, these distractions are part of the enemy’s strategy to keep us from the life and growth that comes from being rooted in God’s Word. 1 Peter 5:8 implores believers to be “sober-minded” and “alert,” because “the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” The enemy wants to keep believers distracted and disconnected from God.  


This is why it’s so important to be mindful of the things that steal your time and pull your focus away from the One who created you. Remember: the goal is not to just get through your Bible plan, but to actively engage with God’s Word in a meaningful way. To do this, you need to remove all distractions.   


Open Your Bible 


Sometimes, the simple act of opening your Bible can be the hardest part.  


It’s probably why we fall behind on our reading plans in the first place—because we just don’t feel like we have the energy to read it. But let me encourage you: the very best thing you can do right now is to simply open your Bible. 

 Don’t wait, open your Bible now and allow God’s Word to transform you | TDGC

No matter how many days or chapters you’ve missed, God isn’t judging you, condemning you, or keeping score. He’s patiently waiting for you, with arms wide open, ready to welcome you back into His Word. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to go to God—open your Bible now and allow His Word back into your heart.  


So as you try to keep up with your fresh start this year, don’t let the setbacks or distractions keep you from drawing near to God through His Word. The Bible is the living, breathing word of God that reveals His heart and transforms yours. Remove the distractions that pull you away and jump back into your Bible reading plan. God is waiting to meet you there—not to condemn you but to welcome you with love and grace. Today is a new day, and God’s Word is always ready to refresh, renew, and guide you back to Him.  



Additional Resources for Reading the Bible: