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How do I create an account?
Once you download the Daily Grace Co. app on your smart device you will be promoted to create an account at login.
How do I delete my account?
Login to your account on the Daily Grace Co. app. Open the menu and select "Edit Profile." You can then select "Delete Account." This will ensure your account and associated data will be deleted.
If I bought a study does it come with app access?
When you add a physical copy of the study to your cart, you will see a pop-up that says “CLAIM YOUR FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOADS NOW” Select “Add all to cart” to claim the App Access Code(s) In your shopping cart, you should see the Digital Bonus with the Price at $0.00 with the message: Buy a Bible Study, get the digital version free! -$20.00 underneath it.
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Access all of your studies in one place
Purchase digital studies right in the app, or download with the special access code (sent by email upon physical study purchase).

Try studies before you buy!
You can download our free study The Word of Life. You can find the study by searching for the study title in the app.

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Once you begin a new study in the app, you'll be able to easily track your progress and keep up with each day's reading and discussion.

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Meditate on each day's reading and Scripture passages with daily reflection questions.

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