5 Years

It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since we said "I do." In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday, but in so many ways it seems like the past five years have been full of so much living. We met 7 years ago, and we were just kids...19 and 20. In so many ways it feels as if over the last 7 years we have grown up together. We have faced joy more than we could have imagined, and we have faced loss that we never thought we would. 5 years ago we moved to Florida with our suitcases and some wedding gifts packed into a little Mitsubishi, and some Bed, Bath, and Beyond gift cards we used to stock our apartment. We were totally broke, but we didn't really care. We learned how to have cheap dates, and how to love each other through anything. Somewhere along the way we grew up...it happened slowly and then all at once. We have lived in two states, and are about to move to a third. We have finished a Seminary degree together, and Jeremy is about to finish his second. We have started a business. We have formed convictions together. We have laughed. We have cried. We have watched a lot of Netflix (including Grey's Anatomy, West Wing, and all the seasons of 24, 3 times). We have traveled. We have taken turns being the strong one. We have had two beautiful daughters, and we have had to say goodbye to one. We have loved and we have lost...but we have done it all together. Marriage is meant to point back to the gospel, to remind us of Christ's love for us. To show to the world how Jesus loves His Church. To picture God's covenant love for His people. I pray that our marriage will do just that. Jeremy, Thank you for being the man that you are. For being there for me through our greatest joys, and through long nights of tears that won't stop. Thank you for loving me, and for loving our family. Thank you for putting us first and working hard for us. I love you more than I can say. Jeremy&Kristin014