Acceptable in Thy Sight
I have been thinking about the fear of man, and how easily it creeps into so many areas of our lives. We worry about what people will think, or if people will be upset, or think little of us. Often our issue with insecurity are rooted in our pride. God has put within us a desire for acceptance, but so often we misplace who we seek approval from. Psalm 19:14 says; "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." We are already accepted by Christ as believers, and now we should constantly be lining up our thoughts and actions with His Word, seeking our approval only in Him.
I posted these thoughts on instagram this morning, and had lots of people say that they have struggled with the same thing, so in order for us to keep our hearts and minds on Him alone, and be reminded that He is the only one we need to seek approval from I made this lock screen. Feel free to click the image for the full image and then save it to your phone. I hope that it will encourage you to keep your hearts on Him this week.