A Conversation with Kat Schmoyer
I am not sure when I first came across Kat from Dear Sweetheart Events on instagram, but I quickly fell in love with her...her feed was bright and encouraging...and full of lots of pink! I have gotten to know her a bit through the instagram world, and her posts always brighten my day.

Tell us a little about yourself?
I'm a wife, believer, big dreamer & I'm obsessed with the color pink! I have a Brittany spaniel who is my world, and I love spending late night watching The Office with my husband!! I love chunky necklaces, hot pink nail polish, boots & my J Crew vest. I could live off of popcorn and diet dr. pepper, and enjoy eating ice cream out of coffee mugs! I own Dear Sweetheart Events am so blessed to help brides celebrate the first day of the rest of their life!!!

You are an amazing wedding planner! How did you get started in the wedding industry?
You're so sweet!! I planned a sweet friends wedding, and then I planned my own... after planning my own I was HOOKED and new I had to make DSE a reality!! I became a boss lady in October of 2013 and it's been a wild ride!!:) I love what I do so much & praise the Lord every day He saw fit to bless this dream of mine!!
What does a typical day look like for you?
Right now I work part-time 5 hours Mon-Thurs and have Friday's dedicated to DSE and Creative At Heart. I get up with my husband in the mornings and spend a few hours working on emails, pre-blogging & getting some bridal to-do's finished. Then I head off to my day-job for a few hours & come home usually to a video chat for a DSE One-On-One, bride or potential bride!! I try to schedule 2 nights a week as "work nights" so I can have chats and get DSE work done. And then the other nights are dedicated to relaxing & spending time with Matt:)

What helps you stay organized?
My Simplified Planner by Emily Ley is amazing!! I love it so much & the heart behind it! It's simplistic design & pink cover is a must-have for me; and I love that I can organize my clients AND my personal life in one planner!!
You are a huge encouragement to other female entrepreneurs, how have you found community on and offline with other women pursuing their passions?
Oh, social media (specifically instagram!) has been a huge source of community for me!!! I LOVE getting to know other women boss ladies & big dreamers, and find so many value in chatting with them & sharing struggles & encouragements! Creative At Heart is also a huge source of community in my life... I am so blessed to watch the Lord work through the conference & so inspired by all the creatives who attend!!!

What is the biggest thing God has been teaching you this year?
Colossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive your inheritance as your reward"... this verse has been on my heart SO much, and I'm really learning to work for the LORD and not for men. I want my business to be a reflection of all He is teaching me and doing in my life, and sometimes that means taking a step back & pointing my feet toward Him. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many instagram likes I received or how many clients I have booked... what matters if whether or not I am being a true reflection of Jesus & that's all I want to focus on doing.

What are your must have products? I
just ordered my very first Better Life Bag (after debating for MONTHS!)! I have a feeling it will quickly become a "must have" for me!!! I would also say that my Jesus Calling devotional, Ashlee Proffitt iPhone cover and B Is For Bonnie art prints are must haves in my home!!:)
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Wedding Images: Michael & Carina Photography Headshot: Andrea Pesce Photography