A Gospel-Centered Summer for Your Family

When summer comes we like to imagine that it’ll be a time free from distractions, ushering endless family memories with it. But we all know the reality. Summer can bring plenty of distractions, a handful of tantrums, and loads of exhaustion. 


Take advantage of the opportunities summer brings for gospel-centered conversations with your kids | TDGC

So how can this summer be different from the rest? Let’s challenge ourselves to take advantage of the opportunities summer brings for gospel-centered conversations with our children. And guess what? These conversations can easily happen through the activities that we’ve already planned to do with our family. We don’t have to change our schedule to bring Jesus into it—we just need to be more intentional about inviting Jesus into our everyday lives. 


In Deuteronomy 6, Israel—God’s people—is given the greatest command. God calls them to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (verse 5). He goes on to say how parents are to repeat these words to their children and to talk about them wherever they go (verse 7). It’s a command that still rings true for believers today (Matthew 22:37–38). Therefore, no matter what we do with our children this summer, we can still teach them how to love God with their heart, soul, and strength. 


Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength | TDGC

Below are four possibilities for how you can be intentional with inviting Jesus into your summer activities. Hopefully they’ll help you think through how you can have gospel-centered conversations with your kids this summer. 

 1. Take a trip to your neighborhood pool 

The neighborhood pool not only provides great memories for your children, but also serves as the perfect place for your children to learn how to show the love of Christ as they make new friends. So take some time to discuss with your children how they can love and share the gospel with their neighbors. Maybe they could bring verse cards to pass around that spread the message of God’s love or they could simply bring extra pool toys or snacks to share with others. Challenge your children to meet one new person at the pool and to pray for that person this summer. 

 2. Make a lemonade stand 

A lemonade stand is a great summer activity to teach your children about responsibility by putting them in charge of the whole process. Monitor them where needed and guide them to think through how they can spread the gospel through their lemonade stand. They could pass out encouraging notes, verses, or WWJD bracelets with each lemonade purchase that points their customers to the hope of the gospel. They could even use the profits from their lemonade stand to donate to a local nonprofit organization. The possibilities are endless!

 3. Serve your community 

Choose a day that your family will dedicate towards serving your community. Start the day by asking your children what random act of kindness they want to participate in. They could bake cookies for a neighbor, write a note complimenting a friend, or bring flowers to someone in need. Additionally, plan to volunteer in some capacity with your family. There are many places you can choose from: like the local homeless shelter, a nursing home, or the food bank. Then discuss with your children why it’s important to think about others and to help them when they’re in need. Remind your children how Jesus served others when He lived on earth and how He was a humble King. Teach your children how they can show their love to God by serving others. 

 4. Host a game night 

A game night is the perfect way to fellowship with other families from your church and a perfect way to model to your children how to be in community with others. As you kick off the night, have some minute-to-win-it games for each family to compete in (there are many options online). Not only will the children love it but also the adults. You can even use this game night as a way to gather prayer requests from the families that attend. Ask them how you could be praying for them and then write their requests down. Pray for their requests as a family every night as you all gather for dinner. Don’t forget to follow up with the families on their requests and share with your children how God has been answering their prayers. 


This is just a glimpse at what your summer could look like this year as you challenge yourself to bring the gospel into your summer activities. While it probably will still be busy and have some tantrums, the gospel will transform the time you spend as a family this summer. So invite Jesus into your plans and watch as He teaches your children to love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. 


The gospel transforms your family time | TDGC