A Letter to Myself as a New Mom

A Letter to Myself as a New Mom

by: Lindsey Master

I have been a mom for five years, which seems so long and quite short at the same time. While all seasons differ, there is something unique about the first year of motherhood. Looking back, there are so many things I wish that “new mom” version of me knew. As I reflected on early motherhood, I wrote a letter to my new mom self to tell her what I hope for her. 


A Letter to a New Mom


Dear new mom, 


Motherhood is a Gift. 


God chose you to be your child’s mom. You feel inadequate. You may even feel like someone else would be better for your baby than you. But God did not pick someone else. He picked you. He gave you the gift of motherhood, and He will be with you through every season of parenting. And it is through motherhood that God can reveal so much of Himself to you. You will better understand the depth of love God has for His children when you think about how much you love your baby. You will appreciate the grace of God more as you extend grace to Your kids. You will understand the strength of God in new ways as you rely on Him when you are tired and overwhelmed in ways you never thought possible before kids. You will practice selfless love for your child just as Christ sacrificially gave up His life for us. While there will be difficulties, you will ultimately understand that being a mom has led you to the feet of Jesus more than ever before and that is a great and beautiful gift. 

Motherhood is a gift from God | TDGC

Motherhood is a Trial. 


You do not have to be happy at all times. While you see smiling moms all over social media, that will not be your reality all of the time. You can be tired, hungry, or sad. Jesus himself experienced all of these things (Luke 4:1–2, John 11:35, 19:28). While motherhood will be filled with so many joyful moments, it is also full of difficult decisions. 


Breastfeeding is hard. Bottle feeding is hard. Sleep training is hard. Not sleep training is hard. Staying at home all day is hard. Going out with a newborn is hard. 


There are so many choices to make as a new mom, and you feel overwhelmed. To combat this, you will try to overload yourself with information to make these choices easier and attempt to be a perfect mom who makes all the correct choices. But rather than running to information for comfort, run to Jesus who understands difficulty (Hebrews 4:15–16). The internet will not bring you true comfort. Reading more and more books will not lessen your anxiety. Learning more about motherhood is good, but it is not where we will find peace or understanding. Instead, immerse yourself in God’s Word where you can find true comfort and rest. 

God’s Word offers true comfort and rest | TDGC

You are a mom, but that is not your ultimate identity. 


That is found in Christ alone. As you change diapers and feed your child, remember that you are a child of God. He is with you and working all things for your good (Romans 8:28). When you grow weary from caring for another all day, rest and return to your heavenly Father through His Word and in prayer. 


If you are a new mom, a seasoned mom, or not yet a mom but want to be, I pray that you would remember these truths. You were made by God and chosen by Him to be a mom in His timing. When motherhood feels like a gift, praise God. When it feels like a trial, run to God for strength and comfort, and in all seasons, remember that all with faith in Christ are loved children of God. 

God chose you to be a mom in His timing | TDGC

With Love and In Him,


A Seasoned Mom


Additional Resources:

Mentioned Products

Hymns for a Mother's Heart

Praying Scripture for Motherhood Journal

Gospel-Centered Motherhood

The Daily Grace Podcast

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