A New Year of Possibilities
It is that season where I am already thinking about the new year. January 1st really is one of my favorite days of the year...because it feels like a fresh start. I was thinking today about the different seasons we face in life, and how so often the start of a new year helps us move into the next season before us. Looking back on the past few years I can see distinct themes as the year changed.
2013 was an amazing year. I think it is the year that I really got a good grasp on who I was. I was getting into the swing of being a Mama, and I was embracing who I was as a businesswoman. It was the year I started #lampandlight, got organized, and made time for what mattered. It was when I chose the words at the top of the screen, and focused myself in on living a life that was: intentional, simplified, and passionate.
2014 was a life changing year. It seems as though the year has been full of a lot of change, some that have rocked me to my core, and some that I have been able to see how God has been working for years. The loss of our daughter Sophia at the beginning of 2014 changed my entire world, and though it was the hardest thing I have ever faced...I have seen how the Lord can take even the hardest things that we face and use them for His plan. After years of Jeremy and me being full time wedding photographers while He was in Seminary...things began to shift. I started my online shop, and we moved across the country to begin our church planting journey. There were many good things, and many hard things.
So my mind is thinking about 2015, and I am wondering what a new year will bring. I can look back even through this difficult year and see how the Lord was preparing my heart. There have been seasons of joy and seasons of heartache...but regardless of what has come...He has been good.