A Poem Based on Psalm 73

 Lord, You are so good to us. (73:1)

To those who are Your own. (73:1)

But as for me, when envious, (73:2)

        My faith was nearly thrown. (73:2)

The Lord is so good to us | TDGC

When I looked to the wicked, (73:3)

They have no pangs ’till death, (73:4)

Despite all their sins committed, (73:3)

They prosper with each breath. (73:3)


Their mouths set against heaven, (73:9)

Their tongues strut through the earth. (73:9)

They threaten with oppression, and, (73:8)

They ridicule our worth. (73:8)


Each day they grow more wealthy, (73:12)

Yet they mock and spit at God (73:11)

They blaspheme, fat and healthy. (73:4, 9, 11)

Every evil they applaud. (73:6-7)


“Was my faith all for nothing?” (73:13) 

I wondered as I grieved. (73:21)

But if I had spoken like this, (73:15)

I would have been deceived. (73:22)


For I felt lost and hopeless, (73:16)

Until I fixed my gaze, (73:17)

On God and to eternity– (73:17)

To the end of their days. (73:18–20)


For though they look so healthy, (73:4–5)

So happy, rich, and strong. (73:4–5)

One day the Lord will come and judge, (73:27)

Each deed that they did wrong. (73:27)


My thoughts had been so worldly, (73:27)

So temporal and blinded. (73:27)

I had forgotten God, my King, (73:13-17)

And I had been short-minded. (73:13-17)


For whom have I in heaven, (73:25)

Or on the earth but you? (73:25)

My heart and flesh may fail me, (73:26)

But You are strong and true. (73:23–26)

God is strong and true | TDGC

Lord, You are my portion (73:26)

My refuge long You’ve stood. (73:28)

I’ll tell of all the works You’ve done. (73:28)

Your presence is my good! (73:28)

God’s presence is our good | TDGC


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