A Prayer for Summer Break
As summer approaches, the desire for a much-needed break from school fills the hearts and minds of kids and parents alike. Saying goodbye to homework, packing lunch, and the inevitable scramble to get out the door in the mornings is a welcome change. Hopes are high as the summer fun begins, and those planned vacations or local adventures are just around the corner. But as the middle of summer approaches, kids utter those dreaded words–"I'm bored." Parents begin longing for the routine of the school year to return, and kids, while they do not want to return to school yet, long for something to occupy their time.
Summer can be filled with extremes. On the one hand, there is the extreme joy and anticipation of all the fun yet to be had coupled with the low moments of boredom and possible annoyance after all that time together in a car or on a plane. As believers, how can we make summer a time that is beneficial to our walk with Christ and our family life? How can we make the summer great with Jesus at the heart of it all?

In order to answer these questions, we should start with prayer. We often think we need to begin with some elaborate plan, but what our hearts need to focus on most is Christ through time spent in prayer. This is why we wrote a prayer for summer break. This guided prayer will hopefully help you think about your summer in a way that points you and your family to Christ and redeems all the time you spend together. Make it the best summer yet, because Jesus was at the center.

Heavenly Father,
I come before Your throne thankful for a much needed break and rest for our family.
I thank You for the good things You provide in our life such as time to spend together and fun activities to bring us closer.
I pray that as we begin this summer together, You will help us fill our hearts and our minds with You.
May we be intentional to read Your Word individually and as a family.
May we be intentional to pray for others and the adventures we take together.
May we seek to be a part of a gospel-centered community and not become lazy or apathetic in our walks with You simply because it is summer.
I pray that we show each other grace as we are together more, both at home or when we travel.
I pray You would help our family seek out opportunities to interact with our neighbors and show them the love of Christ.
In those moments when "I'm bored" is uttered, I pray You grant me grace to point my children to activities that remind them of You and bring them joy.
I pray my heart does not go to a place of annoyance or wishing the summer break away, but seeks to redeem and enjoy all the time You have granted us.
As the summer draws to a close, I pray You would bring to mind all the blessings we can celebrate as a family.
I pray we'll make wonderful memories and share in laughter that year from now we'll talk about and cherish.
I pray our family will be a shining light for Jesus wherever we go and whatever we do this summer.
And I pray that Jesus is at the heart of all we do.
Thank You, Father, for Your love, for Your salvation, the gift of rest, and the joy of family. All praise, honor, and glory belong to You. Amen.

Summer Tips to Help Your Family Grow in Jesus
- Pick a Scripture passage to memorize together over the summer.
- Choose a book or books of the Bible to study together.
- Utilize a gratitude chart to help you and your kids keep a thankful spirit over the whole summer.
- Create a family summer playlist of worship songs for trips in the car or to enjoy at home.
- Have an end-of-summer celebration to thank God for all He did while you were on break.