A Prayer for When You're Struggling to Read God's Word
I am struggling to open Your Word today.
I'm tired, Lord, and I don't feel motivated to read.
The day ahead is daunting and I feel anxious thinking about my list of to-dos, the people I need to care for, and the work I need to accomplish.
I don't know how to keep myself focused on Your Word when my mind keeps wandering to everything I need to do.
Honestly, my heart feels cold. I love You, Lord, but I don't feel joyful or excited to open up Your Word.
I also feel ashamed.
I feel ashamed that I struggle to read Your Word.
I feel ashamed that I find myself choosing to pick up my phone, hit the snooze button, or do other things in the place of reading Scripture.
Sometimes this makes me want to give up altogether. But I don't want to give up.
I don't want to go about my life content with a closed Bible.
So I need Your help.
Help me to delight in Your Word today.
Renew my joy over Your Word.
Turn my eyes away from distractions and set my eyes focused upon Your Word.
When my mind starts to wander to the cares of my day, guide my thoughts back upon Your Word.
Holy Spirit, give me patience when I start to feel restless.
Give me self-control for when I am pulled toward distractions.
Give me an understanding of Your Word
Illuminate the words I read so that I may grow in understanding, knowledge, and delight.
Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things in Your Word.
Help me to meditate upon Your Word, soaking in Your words of truth.
Cause Your Word to circulate through my mind so that I may remember it throughout my day.
When I feel overwhelmed, remind me that you invite me to come to you for rest (Matthew 11:28).
When I feel fearful, remind me that You keep me in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3).
When I feel tempted to sin, remind me that You give me escape from every temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Help me obey Your Word today. May I not simply read Your Word but apply Your Word as I move throughout the parts of my day.
When Your Word convicts me of sin, lead me to repentance.
When Your Word exposes a lie I've been believing, replace that lie with Your truth.
When Your Word moves me to action may I not be complacent but be vigilant to act.
God, thank You for the privilege it is to come before Your Word.
When I open up the pages of Scripture, You meet me here.
It is Your words that I hold in my hand. It is Your breath that caused these words to form.
May the sheer reality of Your revelation bring me delight.
May the reminder that You want me to know You fill my heart with wonder and gratitude.
Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice so that I may experience an intimate relationship with You.
It is a gift of grace to enter into Your presence.

Thank You that Your Word is living and active–that it equips me for every good work.
Thank You for using Your Word to transform me into the likeness of Your Son.
Thank You that Your grace covers my guilt and shame.
I praise You that Your love for me is not contingent on the success of my quiet time.
That your grace is never withheld from me even when I struggle.
That even though my heart can grow cold Your heart towards me forever stays warm.
I praise You for being a loving Father who never condemns His children.
You stand with open arms, inviting and welcoming me into Your presence.
When the enemy whispers condemning lies, berating me for my struggle, remind me of Your grace.
May his efforts to dissuade me not to read fail to prevail.
Give me the strength to resist the enemy's temptations and combat his lies.
May Your grace and steadfast love move me toward Your Word.

May the reminder that Your mercies are new every morning give me unspeakable joy to enter into Your presence.

Thank you that even if I struggle again tomorrow your grace will meet me there.
But for now, may I dedicate this time to be with You.
In Jesus's name,