
I didn't grow up celebrating Advent, I didn't even really know what it was. In fact, I looked up the word just to see exactly what it meant, this is what I found: Advent: The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important. Yesterday I was reading Psalm 18:30, a verse that wasn't really very Christmasy, but somehow it seemed like the perfect reminder at the beginning of Advent.

This God–his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

As I read I thought about the people that waited anxiously for the coming of the Messiah. I am sure sometimes they didn't understand why He hadn't yet come, why He hadn't rescued them, why there were years of silence. But, this verse was a sweet reflection and a reminder for all the times when we don't understand His ways, or His timing. His way is perfect. His promises are sure. He is our refuge.
Sometimes my heart gets weary. Sometimes I just don't understand His plan. So this year, Advent is going to be a reminder for me that He always keeps His promises. A reminder that He is working, even when I can't see it. A reminder that when my heart is weary, I have a refuge. Advent is about anticipation; it is about hope fulfilled, and promises kept. There is no greater promise than Jesus. He has come to this world, and He will come to us.