Being Still in a Noisy World

DG-blog-header-Apr19-01 Silence. That is what the room seemed to demand as I glanced behind me and saw the white plank wall with the dark wooden cross centered on it. An old pulpit stood at the front as well, overflowing with books and hymnals that showed their age. This place for a single moment felt almost holy or at least, one could feel that holy things had taken place there. That is, until my kids started stomping down the aisle and turning the light off and then I was brought back to instant reality. We were in an old church building that had been brought from a city very near to us to an old historical village in a city a bit farther out. This had been one of the first churches in the area, one that prominent families had attended. It also had boasted of good old-fashioned potlucks and "Coffee Hour", which consisted of coffee and devotionals- an intriguing and inviting thought. Now, I know that the church is not at all about the building. The church according to the Word of God consists of all those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and His death on the cross, burial and resurrection from the dead that brings us new life and forgiveness of sins. We were "dead in our trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1) but have been offered life. "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love that He had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace!" (Ephesians 2:4-5) Amen and amen. What a wonderful thought! DG-instas-Apr19-1 As I stared at that cross for a moment- the one that seemed to demand silence- I realized why it called out to me like that. I am so blessed with the opportunity to not only read my Bible and pray throughout the day, but to also read great Christian books, listen to encouraging podcasts and sermons online, play Christian music with words that bring me to tears or make me evaluate my walk with God and my relationship with Him and with others. These are great things, but they can very quickly become noisy things. Sometimes noisy good things drown out the very best things. We live in a noisy world with a stream of information constantly assaulting us and yet also being searched out by our very fingertips. I know this is not a new realization. It has been thought about before, written about before. It has been talked about before. But it is worth another moment of thought and reflection. I need these reminders all too often. God tells us to "be still" for a reason! It's a catchy thing to say these days but it is also a command from God just the same. I know it is for my good though. I know because it is only when I am still and shut the other voices out to just listen to His voice, to recall His faithfulness in my life, to bring before Him the areas that I feel abandoned, rejected or pain from, to learn about Who He is and what character He possesses from His Word, only then does the peace penetrate even my hardest or most overwhelmed places. That is where the answers are found. Because it truly is not about knowledge, tactics or good information- it is indeed all about a beautiful relationship with a wonderful and loving God who happens to speak in a quiet and tender voice to His children. How can I hear Him over all the noise if I constantly and continually invite the noise in? DG-instas-Apr19-2 This moment in this old church looking at this dark cross and feeling something sort of reverent there reminded me of something I have been needing to remember these last few weeks as life has sort of taken over. True peace, joy, identity and calling comes from those quiet moments with Christ, silencing the noisy voices for the whisper of love Who calls us to repentance and rest. Making room for quiet looks different for each of us, but our need for it is all the same. Lord, may we silence our thoughts, worries and fears and allow You to be heard above the noise of this world. DG-instas-Apr19-3