Bible Study Tools: It is Well

A lot of us spend our days with minds that jump from one worry to the next. Bills, family, jobs, school, friendships, decisions, life changes, illnesses, broken dreams, and unfulfilled longings–this is just a smidge of what causes anxiety in our hearts. In an age where most information is googleable, value is determined by likes or shares, and societal pressures imprison us through the media, anxiety is difficult to avoid and escape.

Yet, it doesn't have to be this way. There is a better way. Scripture prescribes us the tools we need to manage and flee anxiety. Most of us who have struggled with anxiety have likely heard the phrases, "Oh, there's nothing to worry about," "That's silly, stop thinking about it!" or "Just stop worrying" for what seems like hundreds of times. When those words grace our ears, we can often think that it's unexplainable to experience worry. Or that it is unthinkable as to why we're affected by anxiety. Perhaps our greatest comfort can be, though, that God isn't caught off-guard by our struggles with anxiety. He sees us in it, and He's been gracious and compassionate to give us His Word, which pacifies our worry-weary souls.

In It is Well: Walking Away from Anxiety and Into God's Word, we do just that. We acknowledge that fear and anxiety are very real, but we make another acknowledgment: that God is greater. God has gifted us with a great grace by giving us His Word, and His Word is not mute to speaking toward the difficulties of anxiety. Together, we mine for truth, hope, and consolation in our darkest times and come out with greater affection toward the God who doles it out so kindly.

It is Well is a three-week study. Each study day includes a passage to reflect on a brief commentary and three reflective questions. Each study week is six days of content with five daily study and a set of interactive reflection questions to help you gain the most out of your time. In this study, we will walk through specific texts within their context that deal with anxiety as well as examine the lives of saints in the Bible who experiences anxiety for themselves. All of this has one unified goal in mind: to come to grips that Scripture isn't silent in our suffering.

The goal of this study is not to diagnose mental illness or replace the role of pastors, counselors, or therapists in your own life. Instead, this study is aimed at walking through the Bible, taking it for what it says, and applying that to our everyday spiritual posture. Scripture isn't silent on the subject of anxiety; God has been so good, so compassionate, and so kind to give us an almanac that assuages our struggles. This study will not give you an answer key, or a formula that "fixes" anxiety. But it will, hopefully, become a tool that teaches you to think rightly about the struggle of anxiety. The prompts, questions, and texts have all been chosen to help retrain your mind in the Word of God, leaving behind the insufficient ways in which the world deals with anxiety. We would love for you to come along on this journey with us!