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Bible Study Tools: Romans Volume 2
In the Romans Volume 1 study, we focused on the gospel. We concentrated on what the gospel does within us, how it shapes us, and what is really means. The gospel is our starting point. In Volume 2, we come to see that the gospel doesn't stop impacting us once we profess Christ. We are continually being sanctified by the Holy Spirit through the gospel. This brings us into the Gospel-centered life. What does it mean to live a Gospel-centered life, though? And how can the gospel affect the way we work, spend money, or have relationships?
In this study, we walk through what it means to be in Christ through the gospel. Romans teaches us about our gospel identity–that we are saved and chosen by God's grace, that we are adopted into His family, and that we are secure in Him through the indwelt Holy Spirit. As we enjoy this study of Romans, we hope that you'll garner a deeper understanding of God's grace, the grace by which we're offered salvation and the grace by which we are kept by God. The grace that sustains our faith and the grace that triumphs over darkness.
As believers, we are afforded great and mighty grace from God. He has saved us, He will keep us, and He will restore us. Even more than that, this grace compels a domino effect of change in every part of our lives. God's grace impacts the way that we forgive others, the way that we understand His character and the way that we behave when sin and death set snares around our feet.
Finally, the gospel isn't something to be hidden away. It has to be proclaimed. It has to be declared by us. God uses us, His people, as a means by which the lost and dying world around us will come to know Him. The gospel impacts every part of our lives, but it also affects what we significant and valuable. It compels us to go and tell. As we study the marvelous gospel of grace, we're invited into a life that is sanctifying, a life that makes us look more and more like Jesus, and a life that tells others how to know Him.
This volume is part two of our series in Romans covering chapters 8:18-16 of Paul's prolific letter. Inside, you'll find study suggestions and a table of contents to help you along the way. The study is formatted with 5 days of study per week and one day of weekly reflection. For each study day, you will find a devotional commentary with a set of reflection questions, and at the end of the week, you'll find a collection of weekly reflection questions. You will also find study helps in the back of the book. In addition to printing this for women, this study is available for men, too! We are so excited to offer this resource to men and women alike, walking forward as partners and partakers in the Gospel message.
Study Helps
Study Suggestions– At the beginning of this study, you'll find a list of helpful tips that will allow you to get more out of your study in the book of Romans. Also, you'll find another useful page that lists our tips on how to memorize Scripture more effectively.
Outline and Flow–This chart allows you to identify the movement of Paul's writing as he transitions from thought to thought, and includes key summations along with the appropriate verses.
Helps for Scripture Memorization–In this study, we challenge you to memorize chapter 8 of the book of Romans. Don't worry! We offer you practical tips and help so that this task doesn't seem so daunting.
Hymn of Praise–Paul pens a hymn of praise in chapter 11. This chart helps you to examine it a bit closer. You'll find cross-references, and key themes trace throughout the hymn.
Spiritual Gifts–This study help is interactive, allowing you to examine and identify Spiritual Gifts, their uses, and Scriptural cross-references.
Romans 11 Family Tree– In chapter 11, you'll read that Paul uses the imagery of a tree to describe the family of God. This infographic helps you to visualize and better understand his teaching.
Glossary–It's easy to get distracted or confused by certain words–that's why we've included a glossary of terms for this study! In it, you'll find definitions and Scriptural references for some of the more common words in the book of Romans.