Social has tremendous power for good, but it can also be a huge time sucker that steals away lots of time in the day, and more importantly our joy. Aside from the fact that Facebook, Instagram, and other forms of social media can tend to steal time away from us doing big things that really matter, I have one other issue with it. A few months ago I made a huge effort to eliminate things that are negative from my life. I know it might sound straight from a cheesy self help book, but this has made a huge difference for me. I get easily distracted by negative things in my life. I think about them more than I should and tend to let them make me worry unnecessarily. So here is my challenge to you, and if you will do it, it will make a huge difference. Head over to Facebook and instagram, and clean up your feeds.
  • If someone is contantly negative, remove them from your feed.
  • If they post things that tear down others, remove them from your feed.
  • If you find yourself feeling jealousy when you read their posts, remove them from your feed
  • If you feel like you are in constant competition with them, remove them from your feed.
  • If you feel irritated by their posts, remove them from your feed.
  • If they do not point you to Jesus or encourage you, remove them from your feed.
This might seem silly to you, it did to me at first too. But, when I actually did it, I can't even tell you how relieved I felt. Removing negativity from your life will have a profound effect on how much you can accomplish and how you feel. When we remove negative influences, we are free to fill our time and minds with the Lord, and with the joy that comes only from Him.

Clear the clutter, and make time for what really matters. Remove the things that distract your heart from the most important One, and fill your life and feed with people that point you to Jesus and turn your heart to praise.

image1-3 Below I have posted a few verses on joy to remind you where our true Joy is found. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed. Psalm 71:23 May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, "God is great!" Psalm 70:4 Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, Jeremiah 15:16 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. Psalms 51:12 For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24
The Daily Grace Podcast

We want to invite women to join us in our conversation about our great God, and be encouraged to seek a deeper knowledge of God that leads them to live their lives for God’s glory as they grow in love and awe in response to who He is.