Creative Ways to Get in Scripture
Last week I talked a bit about why I became a morning person, and how my morning is the best time for me to spend time in Scripture, and get organized for my day. I also realize that every person is different, and every season of life is I wanted to give you some ideas for ways that you can get creative with spending time in Scripure. Maybe you are feeling stuck, or maybe you just need a way to have a bit more Scripture in your day! Some of these are my ideas and some are ideas from some of my instagram friends that helped me out with getting creative.
1. Open Bible on the kitchen counter. This makes it easy to read throughout the day.
2. You Version Bible App on your phone. This is great for on the go, sitting in a waiting room, or a school pickup line
3. Scripture Memory Cards. Tuck them in your pocket, or hang them on the bathroom mirror, or above the kitchen sink.
4. Scripture Songs. Scripture set to music is a great way to get the whole family involved in memorizing Scripture.
5. Reading Scripture to your kids.
6. Head to work a few minutes early and read in your car before heading in.
7. Use a free class period to plan time in Scripture.
8. Use your lunch break to get in the Word.
9. Decorate your home with Scripture that you will see throughout the day.
10. Write a verse on a kitchen chalkboard or print it out and put it on the refrigerator to memorize as a family.
11. Nap time!
12. Read Scripture while your little one takes a bath. Most kids love sitting in the bathtub and playing with toys. It is a great opportunity to sit on the bathroom floor and read while they play.
13. Read While nursing a little one.
14. Listen to the Bible being read while exercising.
15. Schedule it in your planner, and add it to your "to do" list.
16. If you are easily distracted, find a specific place with very little distractions to have your quiet time. It could be a certain spot in your house, or it could be somewhere else.
17. Have an older child read during aloud during your morning commute.
18. Make a "No social media before time in Scripture" rule.
19. Read Scripture while you blow-dry your hair.
20. Have a special basket of quiet toys that your kids can only play with while you spend time with the Lord.
21. Have an accountability partner that checks in with you, or sends you encouraging verses throughout the day.
22. Put a card with a verse written on it in a ziploc bag and stick it to your shower wall. Stole this idea from Jeremy, He did this often in college.
23. Write out a book of Scripture by hand.
I would love to hear some more of your ideas for creatively spending time in Scripture and making it a part of your day.