Daily Grace Local
It is a good thing to study the Bible on our own. As we study Scripture individually, we grow in our personal knowledge and love of God and, in turn, grow in sanctification as we fear God and increasingly walk in holiness. It is when we come to the Bible consistently that we learn to read it, understand it, and apply it on our own. Personal study allows us to hide God's Word in our hearts as truth builds upon truth and impacts the way that we think and act.
It is also a good thing to study the Bible with other believers. When we study the Bible together, we grow together as one unified body of Christ. Gathering together around the Word of God gives us the opportunity to encourage each other and build one another up in the truth of the gospel. The Bible gives us everything we need to grow in godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and that same Bible calls us to grow together. As we study Scripture with those whose struggles, pasts, joys, pains, interests, and sin patterns look different than ours, we begin to see the gospel more fully. We see how it applies to situations we may never face and cultivates love and empathy for those who are different from us.

When we study together, we gain a deeper understanding of God, of ourselves, and of others. While one person may quickly recognize God's sovereignty in the Bible, another may more readily notice His mercy. When we study together, our eyes are opened to the many attributes of God that are on display in His Word as other bring them to light, and that newfound discovery carries over into our personal Bible study time. We learn more about ourselves when a fellow believer highlights a convicting passage of scripture that we may have skipped over if we were reading it alone to avoid feeling uncomfortable. We learn more about those to whom we are united by our common union with Christ when they share their own struggles, doubts, and experiences in light of the passage of Scripture at hand.
Studying scripture together is incredibly rewarding and sanctifying, but sometimes finding a place to do it can be difficult. Perhaps your local church does not currently offer a women's Bible study or needs someone who is willing to lead. Maybe you would like to go deeper with your friends or neighbors but don't have the resources to make it happen. Maybe you have been doing studies from The Daily Grace Co. on your own and would love the chance to work through them in person with others. In order to help create ways for believers to come together around God's Word, we are launching The Daily Grace Co. Local. Daily Grace Local is a network of local groups that gather together to study God's Word in community with one another. Daily Grace Local seeks to equip women to lead Bible studies and make disciples of Christ in their local contexts while providing opportunities for women to join with other believers as they grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ through the Word of God.

Through Daily Grace Local, women will have the opportunity to become equipped to lead a Bible Study, from how to study the Bible, to how to lead a group, to some basic theological truth. Leaders will be able to complete training from the comforts of their own homes. For those whose local churches are in need of qualified leaders, this could be an excellent way to help fill that much needed role. If you are looking for a way to create community among your friends or neighbors, Daily Grace Local can help you be equipped and prepared to do it. For those who simply want to join a study, Daily Grace Local will offer a network of groups all over the world that women can join. If there are currently no groups available in your area, you can apply to become a leader of a new group or to join a yet to be created group and we will notify you as soon as one opens up in your area. If you can, reach out to some local friends and ask them all to sign up so we can start a group more quickly. You can find more information about becoming a group leader or joining a group at https://thedailygraceco.com/pages/daily-grace-local
We weren't made to go through life alone. We need each other. Let's come together around God's Word as we grow in love, unity, and sanctification.