How To Be A Good Christian
“I just want an instruction manual on how to be a good Christian. Where can I find that?” she asked—with a messy bun, tired old T-shirt, and an even more tired spirit.
Welcome to the Young Mama’s Small Group at our church, where moms are welcome, just as they are. In fact, we are often all wearing a version of the same uniform—spit up-stained tees and ball caps covering greasy hair. (What can I say? We keep it real.) We swap the latest stories of how our kids pushed us to the brink of exhaustion. We also chat about the cute things our kids are saying and tear up about how the days are flying by way too fast. We are vulnerable and honest—about kids, about our marriages, and about our faith.
That is why I was so encouraged to hear my sweet friend open up about how she just wants to be a “good Christian.” She is a stay at home mom with two under two, often finding her temper outrunning her ability to give grace. She’s a few months into pursuing her faith again, and she wants to do all the right things.
I’ve felt this way too—have you?
When we are tired and weary, we behold the mountain ahead of us, and it seems like a hike we are ill-equipped to climb. The path to godliness seems much too steep. And we already feel behind.
She was coming to Christ later than many in the group. She didn’t know how to read her Bible. Stepping into church doors after years of being away felt foreign and awkward. This is the mountain she faced; the feeling she described as she finally lifted up her head and looked to us for help.
“I think you’re asking the wrong question,” I said, as I leaned forward to somehow close the distance across the circle of chairs, “It’s not about being a good Christian, it’s about knowing a good God.”

Often we get the equation of faith backwards. We think we have to be good to know God. When in reality, Scripture teaches us that God demonstrated His love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). No one can earn God’s love. No one can become good enough to deserve Christ’s favor. God’s love is a free gift.
As we open up the pages of our Bible, we will find that Scripture is not primarily an instruction manual on how to live, it’s an autobiography in which God teaches us about Himself. And in this knowing of God, we find that He is good and glorious and far better than we ever thought possible. And as we fix our eyes upon the glory of who God is, that’s when we are transformed (2 Corinthians 3:18). We cannot know God and remain unchanged.

As we get to know God, as we begin to understand His vast love for us shown in Christ Jesus, we can trust in what He promises. He will be faithful to complete the good work that He began in us (Philippians 1:6).
If you want to grow in your faith, I challenge you to start, not with a to-do list, but by opening up your Bible and asking the question, “Who is God?” As we learn who God is, we learn who He is transforming us to be. And little by little, day by day, we will see the Holy Spirit growing our patience and giving rest for our weary souls.

That’s the beauty of the Young Mama’s Small Group—mamas in all different places in our faith, linking arms to help one another climb the mountain. The truth is, we all have a long way to go on our journey to godliness. But God’s given us all the tools we need to climb (2 Peter 1:3). We have Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who gives us an example of right living we can strive for. We have God’s Word. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us. And we have each other.