Highlighted Bible

5 Steps for Staying on Track with Your Bible Reading Plan

by: Alexa Hess

At the start of the new year, many of us excitedly set goals for the year ahead. With the whole year in front of us, we often feel like anything is possible, and that we can finally work toward the goals we have always wanted to achieve. One of those goals amongst many Christians is to read the Bible in a year. We want to read the whole Bible in a year, or at least every day of the year. And one of the best ways we can work toward this goal is through a Bible reading plan. A Bible-in-a-year reading plan, or other Bible reading plans,  give you daily readings that help you stay on top of your Bible reading. But what happens when you get behind? No matter how hard we try to stay on track with our Bible reading, there usually comes a point when we slip a bit. We oversleep, have a really busy day, or don’t feel as motivated to open our Bible. So what can we do to stay on track with our Bible reading? 


Choose a Bible reading plan


It may seem simple, but if you want to be in the Word daily, choose a Bible reading plan. Some of these plans allow you to go through the entire Bible in a year. Others are for a smaller duration of time, and choosing multiple of these kinds of plans can help you daily be in the Word. We at the Daily Grace Co.© want to equip you to be in the Word every day, and that is why we have created studies that allow you to walk through the Bible in a year. Our Story of Redemption volumes start in Genesis and end in Revelation, teaching you how God’s plan of redemption has unfolded throughout Scripture. Our Eden to Eternity studies also walk you through the whole Bible, except these volumes allow you to read Scripture chronologically. And if you’re looking for something different, our newest Bible in a Year study is our Beholdstudy of the New Testament. Rather than walking through the whole Bible, Behold helps you to spend intentional time in the New Testament every day. You can find all of these studies here, as well as some free reading plans and access to our Bible in a Year Podcasts!


Pick a time and place for your Bible reading


One of the best ways to establish any kind of routine is to do something at the same time and in the same place every day. This is true for our Bible reading as well. While it can be hard to find a consistent time and place depending on our environment and schedule, attempting to do so can be a huge help in prioritizing daily Bible reading. So first consider a time of day that works best for you. Are you more of an early bird or night owl? Are you the freshest in the middle of the day when you take a break from work or when your little one is sleeping? Choose a time that is best for you, and then consider a place. Is there somewhere in your home that is naturally more quiet and secluded? Do you like being out in nature or in a coffee shop? Pick a place that helps you focus and go to this place at the same time as often as you can. 


Writing your plan down can also help you be intentional about being in the Word daily. Some planners—like our Daily Grace Co.© Planner—even have time slots where you can write in when you want to read your Bible.



Find an accountability partner


Having someone encourage you and hold you accountable can be a huge help in staying on track with your Bible reading plan. Accountability allows someone to come alongside you and motivate you in your study. You can hold one another accountable by texting each other an encouragement to be in God’s Word or by telling one another that you did your Bible reading that day. You can also meet together to do the same reading plan together, naturally providing more intentional accountability. Having accountability helps you stay on track of your reading, and if you find yourself falling off track, your accountability partner can encourage and challenge you to keep going! So consider a person in your life who can be your accountability partner. Maybe this person is a spouse or roommate, and because they see you every day, they are able to be intentional in their accountability. Or perhaps you have a faithful friend or family member who can hold you accountable over text. 


Another tool that can be useful alongside accountability is a habit tracker. Tracking your progress over time can be super motivating, as you’re able to see how far you’ve come. Even checking off your reading can feel really encouraging, giving you a boost to keep going. Our mini monthly habit tracker notepad can be just what you need to stay on track of your daily reading!


Don’t give up!


You may have the perfect plan, time, place, and accountability partner picked out but still find yourself falling behind in your Bible reading plan. That’s okay! Being in God’s Word is not about checking off a reading plan perfectly. God isn’t demanding you to be in His Word daily or else He won’t love you anymore. Being in God’s Word is about spending intimate time with your Heavenly Father. And because God is your Heavenly Father and you are His child, God is gracious no matter what your reading plan progress may be. So don’t give up when staying on track of your Bible reading becomes difficult! Rest in God’s grace and rely on the Holy Spirit to keep going, treasuring your time in Scripture. 

 Being in God’s Word is not about perfectly reading your Bible | TDGC

Being in God’s Word is about spending intimate time with God | TDGC

God is gracious no matter what your progress may be | TDGC

Additional Resources for Bible Study:

Mentioned Products

Behold: A Study of the New Testament Bundle

Behold: A Study of the New Testament Bundle

His and Hers

Behold: A Study of the New Testament Bundle


Behold: A Study of the New Testament Journal Bundle

Behold: A Study of the New Testament | Ultimate Bundle

Daily Grace Planner

Almond Blossom Spiral

Mini Monthly Habit Tracker Notepad

The Daily Grace Podcast

We want to invite women to join us in our conversation about our great God, and be encouraged to seek a deeper knowledge of God that leads them to live their lives for God’s glory as they grow in love and awe in response to who He is.