It’s Okay to Be Bored

It’s summer time. That means no school, no homework, and no after-school activities. It also means a lot more questions from our kids: 


“What are we going to do today?” 


“Can I watch TV? Can I play video games? Can I play on the iPad?”


 “Can we go to X, Y, or Z (the movies, the pool, a friend’s house, etc.)?”

While there is a lot of freedom in Christ for us as parents to make decisions about what our schedules look like, at the same time, in the West we often believe the lie: I have to make sure my kids are entertained every second of every day. 


Our kids demand it. Culture encourages it: Be busy. Be entertained, constantly. Never be bored.


But do you want to know a secret? It’s okay to be bored. Our kids don’t have to fall into the busyness trap, like we so often do as adults. And you don’t need to entertain your children every second of the day. It’s okay for our kids to learn how to be creative, to pick up a book, and to play outside. It’s okay to let mornings linger a little longer. It’s more than okay to pick up a new family devotional to read together at night before bed. It’s okay to put down the phones and have a conversation. It’s good to play in the dirt, to make crafts, to be inventive, and to play with siblings. In fact, it’s healthy for them! (And for us.)

It’s okay to be bored | TDGC


It can be hard to adjust to new rhythms, to be sure. But as parents, every season is an opportunity. That means that even summertime is discipleship. The question is, what are we disciplining our children into? Are we discipling them into the busyness trap of adulthood—always frazzled, stressed, and off to the next thing? Are we teaching them that they need the rush of social media or video games to have a good day? Or are we training them to love and value God’s creation? To enjoy time with their siblings? To love and savor God’s Word? 


As parents, every season is an opportunity | TDGC
Even summertime is discipleship | TDGC

So when you look back on your summers with your children, how would you like to remember them? Our prayer is that your family rhythms reflect your godly, Christ-centered priorities for your families. And, we hope, you have a lot of fun together too! 


To this end, and to keep you encouraged in the faith, we’ve provided a psalm for you to meditate on today. It reminds us of two important truths: children are a blessing, and rest comes from the Lord. If your children are around, consider reading the psalm out loud and talking about it together! Ask your kids what they learn about God, about kids, and about rest.


Psalm 127

Unless the Lord builds a house,
its builders labor over it in vain;
unless the Lord watches over a city,
the watchman stays alert in vain.

In vain you get up early and stay up late,
working hard to have enough food—
yes, he gives sleep to the one he loves.

Sons are indeed a heritage from the Lord,
offspring, a reward.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the sons born in one’s youth.

Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them.
They will never be put to shame
when they speak with their enemies at the city gate.