Motherhood Sanctifies

Each day I am reminded what a blessing children are. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that we never have our trying moments...we do. But, because of those moments I have realized this...motherhood is sanctifying. It calls us to look past our own desires, and put our children's needs and wants above our own. It calls us to be the people that we want our children to one day become. It reminds us that we are their first glimpse of Jesus. Motherhood points out so many flaws, it points out our self-centeredness, our pride, our temper, our busyness .Being a mom points out flaws, but it does more than just point out our own weakness. It points out Christ's strength and His perfection. Our failure points us to Him. Being a Mama points us to the gospel. It is easy to wonder what the gospel has to do with our daily lives once we have already accepted Christ. We know the gospel, that Jesus was born as a man, that He lived a sinless life, that He died for us, and rose again. He did what we could not do. And every day, even after salvation, He does what we can not do. The gospel displayed the most perfect love, and everyday Jesus loves us despite our failings as mothers. He reminds us that we can't do it all, only He can do that. We are weak, but He is strong. When we hide our weakness, we hide His strength. When we are honest about our weakness, we let Christ's grace and strength work through us. When we are honest about our weakness as mothers we preach the gospel to our children, and to those around us, that Jesus will do what we can not do. His power is made perfect in our weakness. mygraceissufficient