My Help Comes From the Lord: Praying Through Psalm 121

As a child, we often fear the dark or the monsters under our bed. As teenagers, we fear rejection and the unwelcome breakout on our faces. As an adult, the list of fears multiplies as we worry about a spouse, children, a paycheck, and our health, to name a few. Fear can quickly consume us and become a bad habit that rules our lives. But Scripture tells us over and over not to fear. So how do we overcome something that devours our joy and overwhelms our hearts?

Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment." God never intended fear to be a part of our lives. Sin has marred the sound minds He created for us. Sin takes our hearts and uses fear to control them. Fear drives out love and sound judgment, but the love of Christ has the ultimate control over fear. Jesus is the light that shines through the darkness and gives us the power to overcome fear.

When fear attempts to infiltrate our hearts, we must dwell on the Lord. Our spirit of power comes from the very Word of God. When we meditate on God's Word and pray the Scriptures back to Him, He casts out our fear, and the light of Christ fills our hearts. The practice of praying the Psalms back to the Lord is an invaluable habit that takes our minds off ourselves and rightly places them on God. Praying the Psalms may be new to some or a long-time practice for others. Whether you have done it before or this is your first time, use Psalm 121 below as a guide to praise the Lord for who He is, petition Him for protection, and pray for Him to cast out your fears. Your spirit will be filled with gratitude, hope, and love as fear flees in the presence of our great God.

Psalm 121 and Prayer Prompts:

Psalm 121:1: I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I turn my eyes toward Your glorious throne. Who can help me but You?

Psalm 121:2: My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Prayer: You are the Maker of heaven and earth and my help in times of trouble.

Psalm 121:3: He will not allow your foot to slip; your Protector will not slumber.

Prayer: You are my Protector who keeps my feet firmly on the ground. I can trust You never sleep and always have Your good plan in mind for my life.

Psalm 121:4: Indeed, the Protector of Israel does not slumber or sleep.

Prayer: You love your children. You are our shield, protecting us day and night.

Psalm 121:5: The LORD protects you; the LORD is a shelter right by your side.

Prayer: When I fear, I can turn to You, LORD. You cover me with Your peace and comfort.

Psalm 121:6: The sun will not strike you by day or the moon by night.

Prayer: I can rest secure in Your hands, knowing You will never be struck down. You are the one who made the heavens, earth, sun, moon, and stars. You strike out fear and replace it with Your love.

Psalm 121:7: The LORD will protect you from all harm; he will protect your life.

Prayer: When the cares of the world threaten to overtake my heart, I will remember You protect me from all harm. I entrust my life to Your safekeeping.

Psalm 121:8: The LORD will protect your coming and going both now and forever.

Prayer: When I rise or sleep, I will rest in Your arms, knowing You hold me safe, both now and forever. All praise, glory, and honor be to Your great name forever!