Prayers to Pray Over Your Children

How often do you pray for your children? If we’re honest with ourselves, I think we all desire to pray for them more. I’ve heard it said many times that we’ll never get to the end of our life and think that we’ve prayed too much. Instead, most likely, we’ll think the opposite. Because there’s no such thing as praying too much. 


In fact, prayer should be at the core of who we are as followers of Christ. Prayer should humble us as we acknowledge our need for God and thank Him for what we have in Jesus. Prayer reminds us that though we do not deserve God’s grace, He gives it to us anyways. 

Prayer should humble us as we thank God for all we have in Jesus | TDGC


So to encourage you in your own prayer life, use the prompts and Scripture references below to guide you through your prayers as you pray for your children. I heard it once that if you don’t know what to pray for, pray for your children from head to toe. Start with their mind (with the thoughts they think) and end with their feet (with the path they take). Keep in mind, though, that this is but a tiny glimpse of what you could pray over! Hopefully it pushes you in the right direction and gives you the confidence you need to start praying. 


Pray for your children from head to toe | TDGC

Pray for your child’s mind. 

Philippians 4:8


Pray that your child’s thoughts would stay centered on God’s Word and that they would dwell on His truth everyday. Pray that they will desire to know more about who God is so that they will grow up to be full of wisdom and discernment. Ask God to renew your child’s mind through His Word and Spirit, so that they can take each thought captive and live for His glory. 


Pray for your child’s eyes. 

Psalm 119:18, 37


Pray that your child focuses their gaze on what is desirable and pleasing to the Lord. Pray that they will turn away from what is worthless so that they will not stumble or fall into temptation. Ask that the Lord would open their eyes so that they may see the hope of the gospel and the wondrous promises that are waiting for them. Pray that they may see that the Lord is good. 


Pray for your child’s ears. 

John 10:27–28


Pray that your child will be a sheep of the Lord and will learn their Shepherd’s voice. Pray that they will listen attentively to God’s voice and will follow Him where He leads them. Pray that they will be quick to listen to God’s commands and be quick to obey Him. 


Pray for your child’s mouth. 

Ephesians 4:29


Pray that your child’s words would be pleasing to God and edifying to others—that they would use their words to build others up. Pray that God would keep their tongue from evil speech, such as lying or gossiping. Pray that your children would use their mouth to talk to God, to confess to Him when they make a mistake, to give Him praises each day, and to declare the gospel at all times.  


Pray for your child’s heart. 

Deuteronomy 6:5 


Ask God to give your children a happy heart that is full of His love so that they may love Him and love others. Pray that God would open their hearts to receive the gospel message so that they would put their trust in Him and depend on Him daily. Pray that their hearts would be filled with God’s Word and that His Word would sanctify them in the truth. 


Pray that God would open your child’s heart to the gospel | TDGC

Pray for your child’s hands. 

Psalm 134:2


Pray that in whatever work your children do that they would learn to bless the Lord and give Him thanks for their accomplishments. Ask God to establish the work of their hands and pray that they would use their hands to work for the glory of God—not being lazy with their time.  


Pray for your child’s legs. 

Psalm 1:1


Pray that your children would not walk in step with sinners, but rather would walk in step with those who are godly. Pray that your children would find friends and mentors to encourage them to be more like Christ each day. Ask God to be with your children as they journey through life so that they would stand firm in their faith till the end of time. 


Pray for your child’s feet.

Psalm 119:105


Ask God to direct your child’s steps and to guide them on the path of righteousness. Ask God to correct them when they get off path and to lovingly discipline them when needed. Pray that God would always be with them to keep them secure in His truth and to keep them from stumbling. May the Word of God always be a lamp for their feet.