Reflections for Easter Sunday

Lent is a season marked by self-examination. It is an opportunity to take an honest look at ourselves and repent—or turn away from—the ways in which we have not been following Jesus. It is an opportunity to turn toward practices and behaviors that reflect Him. Above all, Lent is an opportunity to increase our focus on Jesus. And it is meant to lead to a change in the way we live long after the season has ended. 


But in order for such change to happen, we must first take time to reflect on what God has shown us through this time of self-examination. So, to that end…


What have you learned this Lenten season?


Observing Lent can reveal a lot about ourselves. It can certainly bring to light sinful thoughts and behaviors. But it can also reveal habits that, while not necessarily sinful, keep our focus off Jesus. Maybe we realize we are spending too much time mindlessly scrolling through our phones. Or that we could be giving away more of our money or time. 


What has Lent revealed to you? 

 What has Lent revealed to you? | TDGC

Maybe that question itself makes you uncomfortable. Maybe you resolved to fast from something this Lent and didn’t follow through. Or it could be that you feel guilty for not thinking about Lent at all. 


If that’s you, it’s okay! There is still plenty of opportunity for you to incorporate Lenten practices into your everyday life. Though the season of Lent is coming to a close, self-examination and increasing our focus on Jesus are practices that should mark our entire lives, not just the weeks leading up to Easter.


How have you experienced God’s grace during Lent?


It is simply not fun to dwell on our sin. And because of that, some people dread the very idea of observing Lent. It sounds like a huge downer. 


And it would be a downer if we leave God’s grace out of the equation. But honestly acknowledging and confessing our sins draws our gaze to Jesus, whose death on the cross paid for those sins. Lent can be quite sobering, yes. But it should also deepen our love for God who “justifies the ungodly” and credits our faith as righteousness (Romans 4:5). As our awareness of our sin grows, so too should our love for Jesus. 

 Lent should deepen our love for God | TDGC

How will you apply what you have learned moving forward?


Easter’s arrival means Lent is coming to a close. But the lessons Lent taught us should carry on into our daily lives. Sinful behaviors and unhelpful habits don’t change overnight. For that, time and effort are required. As are a continual reliance on the Holy Spirit and walking alongside other believers. 

Though Lent is almost over, the lessons we learned should carry on | TDGC 

Moving forward, take time to answer questions like these: 


  • In what ways is God calling me to live differently? 
  • With whom can I share what God taught me during the Lenten season? Who can walk alongside me as I seek to live differently by God’s strength? 
  • How can I regularly remind myself of God’s love for me? 


For a practical guide on how to implement rhythms into your daily life that foster spiritual growth, check out Growing in Grace: Knowing and Loving God Through Spiritual Disciplines(alt text: Growing In Grace Study | TDGC). This four-week study will demonstrate the importance of such practices as Scripture memorization, prayer, giving, and solitude, along with many more. This is a great next step to living out the lessons learned during the Lenten season!