The Daily Grace Company

Two and a half years ago, I opened a little Etsy shop with one devotional and a matching set of verse cards, and I have been amazed at how God has taken something so small and transformed it. It will be three years this February since we said hello and goodbye to our second daughter Sophia in just a few short and precious hours. We wept over her and sang Great is Thy Faithfulness, as we said goodbye. Now nearly three years later, He has been faithful. We clung to the words of Scripture and the promise that He was good and faithful, even when we did not see how anything good could come from the loss of a child. We did not understand, but with weak-kneed faith we chose to trust Him. A few weeks later we made a trip to get away a bit as a family. Our hearts were aching and we needed some time away to reflect and refresh our hearts. In the midst of my deep grief, and nights spent crying on a cold bathroom floor, my husband Jeremy challenged me. In our car on the drive home, he reminded me of a dream that I had when we were just in college to write Bible Studies for women. The dream had been placed on the back burner as life got busy, and he suggested that maybe this was the perfect time to bring that dream to life. He urged me to use my pain to point others to Jesus. I remember sitting in the parking lot before walking up to our apartment and him telling me that even though we wished she was with us, if her short life could point even one person to Jesus, it would give purpose to the pain we were facing. edited-39 So just a few weeks later, we picked up from the printer Joy in Christ, a devotional written in the weeks after we lost Sophia. We packed several hundred devotionals from our kitchen table in the upcoming weeks and I prayed that God would use the words to encourage someone. It was just a few years before that God had given me a passion and love for His Word. I had struggled for much of my Christian life to be consistent in spending time in the Word, and it was God's Word that would bring me through this difficult season. I know now that God was preparing my heart with His Word. It became my passion to see women spending daily and consistent time studying God's Word and learning who He is through His Word. From packing devotionals at our kitchen table two and a half years ago, things have grown. We now have a team of 9 people that work to spread the truth of God's Word. We have shipped tens of thousands of devotionals to women all over the world. The shop that started with just me and my husband has grown and impacted women all over the world, and we are so humbled by this fact. From day one, our mission has been the same, to equip women to know and love God's Word, and help them fill their days and lives with His Word and reminders of His love and grace. In many ways, it feels like we are giving the shop a name, and not renaming it. This business and ministry has grown so quickly and unexpectedly that we never really gave it a name. It just took on my name. So we have been talking about changing the name, and we had lots of options, but we came to this... The Daily Grace Company Because that is what we are all about. Filling your life with God's Word and His grace...every. single. day. Our name has changed, but the heart behind this company has not. Our mission and goal is to point women to God's Word because it is there that we learn who He is. And who He is changes everything. Thank you for coming on this journey with us, we can't wait to see what God has in store for the future. edited-201