The Seasons Change...Yet, He Remains

So often the future seems so uncertain. Things seem to spin around me at times, as I am faced with adjustment and trying to figure things out. I like to have a routine, and since moving that routine seems to have been nonexistent while we seek to settle into the rhythms of this new season of life. There have been so many changes, and yet I am reminded that our God never changes. His unfailing love abounds no matter what we are facing. My friend Bailey posted this quote from Charles Spurgeon this past week, and I couldn't repost it quick enough. The words resonated with my heart so much and where just the reminder that I needed to adjust my thinking. A reminder that He never changes, and though this world around me spins, though people hurt me, though I will face suffering in this life...He abides. His love is unchanging through it all. He is a Rock and a Fortress for my sometimes weary soul. When it seems my heart is overwhelmed and I have no where to turn...I do have a place to turn. I have the One who has walked with me through the hardest of moments...and even there He has shown me that He is Faithful and True. 10690342_10152351994876500_5337926036260187766_n