Three Attributes of God to Meditate on Today

Do you think about who God is as you go about your day? 


I know I can spend time praying to God and asking things from Him while neglecting to meditate on His character. Because of this, I often go about my day anxious or overwhelmed. Or I might turn inward, relying on my own strength and energy to get me through what is in front of me. As believers, it’s important that we regularly meditate on who God is. The well-known preacher A.W. Tozer explained this well when he said, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” How we view God impacts everything. How we view God impacts and shapes our view of our lives, circumstances, and selves.


And if we don’t view God correctly, we will approach our lives, circumstances, and selves incorrectly, leading to confusion, discouragement, and mistakes. This is why it is so important that we are regularly in God’s Word. When we are in God’s Word, we learn about who God is in a way that is completely true. Because the Bible is from God, His Word is the best place to go to know and grow in who God is. While there are many attributes, or aspects of who God is, in Scripture, I’ve chosen three to meditate on today. Take a moment to ponder on these attributes and allow them to shape the day ahead. 


Three Attributes of God 



God’s Omnipotence


To be omnipotent means to be limitless in power. Because God is God, He is the only One whose power will never run out. The prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah 40:28: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. He never becomes faint or weary; there is no limit to his understanding.” To serve a God who never tires is significant. There is nothing too much for God. There is nothing too heavy that God cannot carry. There is no situation or circumstance too weighty for God to work through. Because God is omnipotent, He will be able to take on, carry, and work through anything hard and heavy. Therefore, we must depend on God’s power. 


We are not omnipotent, which means that we all will tire, weaken, and burn out. As mentioned earlier, we can often depend on our own power to get us through our days. But because we are not omnipotent, our power is not enough. We need God’s strength and power to help us through every moment and situation in our days. When we depend on God’s strength, we receive His strength. Isaiah continues in verse 29 by saying, “He gives strength to the faint and strengthens the powerless.” So instead of relying on our own strength, let us rely on the strength of the One who never tires. When we rely and depend on God’s power, we will receive the strength we need to handle anything the day may bring. 

 Rely on Jesus, who never tires | TDGC

God’s Sovereignty


God’s sovereignty is one of God's most beautiful but difficult attributes. To be sovereign means that God is in control of all things and works through all things to accomplish His purposes. God sovereignly works through everything for our good and His glory. As Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” God Himself affirms His sovereignty in Isaiah 46:9–10 by saying, “Remember what happened long ago, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and no one is like me. I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will.” 


God’s sovereignty is hard to grasp, especially in the troubling moments of life. But knowing that God is sovereign helps us surrender our days to Him, trusting that God is in control of every part of them. Rather than seeking to control our circumstances, we can entrust our circumstances to God. We can trust that God will work through every minute of our day to accomplish His good purposes and plans. And in turn, we can go about our days with peace. Instead of being riddled with anxiety over what is in front of us or what could come to pass, we are able to walk through our day with peace, knowing that God will work everything out, even if there are bumps, hurdles, and troubles along the way. 

Entrust your circumstances to God | TDGC

God’s Immanence 


God is high and lifted up. He is before all things and rules over all things. But God is also a God who comes near. For God to be immanent means that God’s presence is with His creation. God does not keep Himself at a distance; He comes close to His people. This means that God is always with us, no matter where we go. 


Sometimes we can forget this attribute of God when we go about our daily lives. Often, we can believe that we are on our own when it comes to our jobs, tasks, and obligations. But God is with us. God has always come near His people, but He physically came to dwell with us through Jesus. Jesus is called “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” 


Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to have God with us always. If we are in Christ, we are brought into a relationship with God and are indwelt with the Spirit of God. While God is near to all of His creation, He is with His own in a uniquely intimate way. So if we are in Christ, let us not forget that God is always close. God will be right by our side no matter what the day brings. 

God will always be by your side |TDGC