What is Hermeneutics?

The Bible is full of things that may feel difficult to understand.  


In the Old Testament, for example, we read many tragic stories of horrible things happening to people (like the story of Job), or—even worse—stories about people doing horrible things to others (like Abraham sending Hagar away in Genesis 21). What are we supposed to do with stories like these or other confusing passages in Scripture?  

 Hermeneutics is the process of interpreting Scripture | TDGC

This is where the concept of hermeneutics comes in. “Hermeneutic” is a technical term that refers to the process of interpreting Scripture. In other words, it is the process that takes us from simply reading what Scripture says to deciding what Scripture means. Without hermeneutics, the more complex and confusing passages of Scripture would remain a mystery to us.  


Why is understanding hermeneutics important? 


We all use some kind of hermeneutic (or process of interpretation) every time we read the Bible. Because we are reading Scripture in a time and place that is quite distant from when it was written, we all read it through a certain lens. This is why understanding hermeneutics is so important—because it helps us see the ways we might be reading our own ideas or experiences into the words of Scripture. Once we are aware of our own interpretation of the Bible, we can better learn how to do it faithfully and consistently.  

 Hermeneutics helps us identify our biases | TDGC

How does hermeneutics impact my Bible study? 


Hermeneutics is very important for our individual Bible study time. This is the necessary step we all take—from reading the words on the page to understanding them. While it is true that anyone can read the Bible and have the Holy Spirit speak to them, developing a faithful and consistent practice of studying and interpreting the Bible does take time and effort.  


If you would like to take a step further in your Bible study, check out our Bible Study Handbook. Inside it, you will find comprehensive tips and guidelines for how to read, study, interpret and apply the Bible at any stage in your walk with Christ—from beginner to advanced.  

 A Christ-centered hermeneutic helps us see God’s plan to save His people | TDGC

Here, we walk you through what is called a Christ-Centered Hermeneutic, which is the process of interpreting the whole Bible—Old and New Testaments—through the lens of Jesus Christ. It is only when we read the Bible through the lens of Christ that we are able to see God’s plan to redeem His people from the very beginning of time. Our year long Bible study, Christ in All of Scripture, was designed explicitly to walk people through this hermeneutic and teach them how to see Jesus as the center of the entire biblical story.   


So as you continue on in your journey of knowing and loving God more through the study of His Word, do not neglect the importance of hermeneutics—specifically, Christ-centered hermeneutics. Be encouraged, however, that you are not alone in your study of Scripture. Trust in the Holy Spirit and lean on other believers to aid you as you seek to better understand Scripture and how it tells the beautiful story of God loving and redeeming His people through Christ.  


Additional Resources for Learning More About Hermeneutics: