Faith ·
In The Word ·
Why We Should Spend Time in Scripture
I am thrilled to be blogging over at a brand new blog for Christian women called GLOW: Live as Light
About two years ago, I realized that something needed to change. I was really having a hard time staying consistent with being in Scripture. I would do great for a few months and then miss, then I would do great for a week, and miss several days in a row. It felt like I just couldn't stay consistent, and I was feeling discouraged.
I decided that it was just something that needed to change. I thought I needed to have some accountability, so I started the #lampandlight hashtag on instagram and invited friends to join me in documenting their time with the Lord as a way to keep each other accountable.
Soon, spending time with the Lord became a habit, and eventually it became the time of day that I most looked forward to.
There have been a few things that I have learned since then about why spending time with the Lord daily is so important.
To read the rest head over to GLOW: Live as Light