Celebrating Others in a Culture of Competition | Ep. 36

On today’s episode, we are talking about celebrating others well in a culture of competition. When comparison is a norm in a culture, it’s inevitable that people will begin to compete with one another -- to do better; to have more; to outshine. Comparison fuels competition, and this can be seen in all areas of life, from the work force to motherhood to ministry. Is it possible to be a person that celebrates others well in this kind of culture? We believe that God’s people should be people who celebrate others well. Because we are recipients of God’s never-ending grace, forgiveness, mercy, affection, and love, we can live out of this abundance and generously celebrate others well. We can keep God’s design for the body of Christ in mind and celebrate the giftings of fellow believers because we believe it is for the glory of God and the good of the whole. Even in our proverbial winter seasons, we can “rejoice with those who rejoice” because we trust in God’s goodness and kindness toward us in every season. But this doesn’t mean it’s easy. In this episode, we consider barriers to celebrating others well and offer practical advice on how we can be people that genuinely celebrate others well.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Scribd
- Youversion (Audio Bible)
- Bible.is (Audio Bible)
- The Jesus-Hearted Woman by Jodi Detrick
- Ep. 9 Your Identity in Christ by Daily Grace
- Suffering is Never for Nothing by Elisabeth Elliot

Scripture mentioned in this episode:
- Romans 12:15
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11-13
- 1 Corinthians 12:26
- Hebrews 10:24
- Philippians 2:1-9
- Matthew 18:4

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