Complaining: Godly Grief or Crossing the Line? with Lauren Weir | Ep. 129

The Bible says this: “Do all things without grumbling.” (Philipians 2:14). Does this mean Christians are restricted from complaining? Is complaining always sinful? Or is there a way to complain that is warranted by God? This is what we discuss with our guest, Lauren Weir. Christians are not called to gloss over things and just put a smile on their faces. When we go to God’s Word, we see God’s people “complain” before the Lord without reproach. So many of the psalms are prayers of lament, and the pattern of godly lament includes presenting a complaint before the Lord! But how does this work out in our everyday lives?
What do we do with our frustrations? Is there a way to vent with care and intention? Is it possible to complain or vent without sinning? How do we “relieve pressure” or “share” or “complain” with others without sinning? How do we bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) without sinfully commiserating?
This is a tricky topic, but friends, we can navigate it wisely and in a way that brings God glory. God doesn’t ban us from complaining; instead, He invites us to lament before Him. He uses our complaints to knit our hearts to His. He even often uses the body of Christ to be His provision of comfort and clarity and reprieve.
Lauren offers helpful insight and practical tips to help us avoid sinful complaining. She helps us see the difference between godly lament and complaining that crosses the line to sin. You don’t want to miss this episode!
You can find Lauren Weir on Instagram @wordsworthnoting
Liturgical prayers to use from Lauren:
"My life is not my own; I was bought at a price."
"I belong to You, God."
"Father, use my life any way you choose."
"O Lord, You know."
"O Lord, I need You."

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Ep. 52 The Truth About Gossip by Daily Grace
Ep. 75 Walking With Others Through Suffering and Grief by Daily Grace
Scripture for Grief Verse Card Set by The Daily Grace Co.
Becoming Elisabeth Elliot by Ellen Vaughn
Scripture mentioned in this episode:
Psalm 77:4
Psalm 80:5
Psalm 102:7-8
Exodus 17:7
Proverbs 18:21
Psalm 139:23
Galatians 6:2
Ephesians 5:19
Psalm 42:5
Hebrews 4:12
Colossians 3:16
Colossians 3:13

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