Reimagining Productivity and Resisting Hurry w/Jen Pollock Michel | Ep. 224

Jen Pollock Michel joins Shelby to chat about her new book In Good Time and why a lot of the productivity advice floating around isn’t necessarily the best advice to take. Jen’s encouragement to resist hurry for the glory of God may be just what you need today. She’s also asking and answering some important questions about the way we manage our schedules. Should our goal be to get the most done? Or should it be to do the right thing in the right way at the right time? Jen tells stories from her own life and exhorts us all to take a step back, take a look at our schedules, and make adjustments so that we can experience an unhurried and peaceful life
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Time Stamps:
2:05 - About Jen4:59 - What time anxiety is and how we experience it in our lives
9:10 - Hope for time anxiety
12:54 - The limitations of productivity
16:23 - Jen’s tips for resisting hurry
24:40 - What do to when you feel like you don’t enough time
29:02 - How to find peace in the midst of a busy schedule
30:22 - What the gospel has changed for Jen

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Connect with Jen:
WebsiteIn Good Time Book

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