The Beauty of Written Prayers and Liturgies with Kayla Craig | Ep. 149

Liturgy. You may have heard this word before. Maybe you’ve been to a liturgical service where the congregation followed a particular order of events. Or maybe your church incorporates liturgical prayers where everyone says a written prayer out loud together. Or maybe you’ve seen some written prayers on Instagram. Kayla Craig is a beautiful voice on many different platforms, and she offers wonderful modern liturgies for parents. Her handle is @liturgiesforparents and she also wrote a book called To Light Their Way: A Collection of Prayers and Liturgies for Parents. But this conversation isn’t just for parents. We talk about liturgies in general and how we can embrace them in our day to day lives. We really do think this conversation will be edifying no matter what season of life you’re in! Be sure to follow Kayla on IG at @kayla_craig and @liturgiesforparents!
Here are some questions that Kayla answers in this interview:
- What are liturgies? (7:11)
- What is the benefit of liturgies for the believer? (10:42)
- How can we incorporate liturgies into our everyday lives? (18:07)
- How can liturgies help us in times of suffering or sorrow? (22:42)
- Can you share a time when liturgies have been helpful for you in a difficult situation? (26:56)
- How can parents use liturgies as they walk through raising children? (29:59)
- How can we create our own liturgies? What do we need to include? (36:18)
- What are some of your most used liturgies in your own life? (39:58)

Resources mentioned in this episode:
To Light Their Way: A Collection of Prayers and Liturgies for Parents by Kayla Craig
The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions by The Banner of Truth
What Kind of Woman by Kate Byer
Scripture mentioned in this episode:
Matthew 6:5-13
Nehemiah 1:4-11

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