The Women in Jesus’ Family and the Heart of God | Ep. 141

Raise your hand if you skip genealogies in your Bible reading! We get it. These hard-to-pronounce names are just hard. We are tempted to skim past them. We know they’re important because God, in His infinite wisdom, included them, but we’re not sure why. To put it simply, genealogies trace God’s faithfulness and promises throughout history. Each name tells us something about God! And if we look closely, we’ll see that a few women are included, too.
In today’s episode, we dive into the story of each of these women. These stories teach us a lot about God, but we pull 5 truths about God beautifully shown in and through these women’s stories. These can seem like simple truths that we know, but when we see them played out in these women’s lives, they sink in. They stir our affections for our great God!
- God is faithful to fulfill His promises. (12:44)
- God is sovereign. (31:56)
- God loves His enemies. (45:10)
- God sets His love and extends His promises to people to all tribes, nations, and tongues. (49:21)
- God hates sin but loves redemption. (53:41)
This year, the Advent study from The Daily Grace Co. is called Waiting for a Savior. As we follow the Advent calendar, we trace the lineage of Jesus throughout Scripture. We see that God’s plan of redemption came through a long line of imperfect, sinful people, to bring forth a perfect, sinless Savior. Jesus’ family tree points us to the hope of our salvation that every kind of person with every kind of story is invited to belong.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Perfect Bars
“Waiting for the Savior” Advent Study by The Daily Grace Co.
“Faithful: From Eden to Eternity” Study by The Daily Grace Co.
Ep. 112 Searching for Control in an Out of Control World by Daily Grace
Ep. 77 The Gospel Is for All People by Daily Grace
2021 Advent Collection by The Daily Grace Co.
“Daughters of Grace: Women of the Bible” Study by The Daily Grace Co.
Scripture mentioned in this episode:
Matthew 1:1-17
Genesis 3:15
Genesis 38
Joshua 2:9-14
Joshua 6:25
Judges 3:12
Ruth 1:16
Galatians 4:4
Romans 5:7-8, 10
Matthew 5:44-45
Hebrews 12:1-2
Revelation 7:9-10
Psalm 51:4
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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