I read and re-read the other comments about this Bible, and still wasn't sure, so thought others might want some additional information - this Bible has coloured maps in the main books of the Bible. The type face is a dark black that is easy to read in a larger font and the foot notes are actually readable. This alone makes it a pleasure, since I wear glasses and the smaller fonts of so many Bibles is very tiring on the eyes. Since I already had the ESV Women's Study Bible, I wasn't sure that another study Bible was a good idea. However, after only a couple of days of studying with it - it seems as though it is such a lovely fit for my TDG studies and lovely journals, as I can find so much more information in this. The Bible feels so lovely to handle and to read, it's quite extraordinary. I keep getting totally immersed, reading the Book Introductions and the additional articles - they are so helpful and relate so clearly to the TDG studies. Have put some pretty tabs on it and it is such a pleasure to use with the Be Still Journal. The footnotes are quite different to the ESV Women's Study Bible, and the text is noticeably easier to read (it's darker and a larger font) so I am confident to keep and reference both as needed. The front cover and back covers are simply beautiful in person and they really do complement the beauty of TDG studies.