A Conversation with Katelyn James
I started following Katelyn a few years ago, and it is easy to tell that she is just the sweetest person. She is an amazing wedding photographer, and also shares great business advice, and lots of other fun things like her gorgeous home, and adorable puppy on her blog. Enjoy getting to know her a bit, and make sure to follow along with her at the links below...she will add some prettiness and inspiration to your feed for sure.
Tell us a little about yourself?

My name is Katelyn and I'm married to my high school sweetheart on 10-10-10!! We don't have any children quite yet but we do have a fluffy little bichpoo named Bokeh and he brings so much joy to our life! I LOVE decorating and home design in general! Michael and I are a husband and wife team and we shoot 25-35 weddings annually. We also LOVE educating photographers and helping others make their dream job a reality! We offer workshops, coaching and have an online storewith digital resources!

What does a typical day look like for you?
Well I wish that I could say that I have a perfect morning routine that included an hour with Jesus, an hour working out, showering and then starting my work day. Well, that is sadly not the case. Our schedule varies so much week to week. When I do get to wake up and have time have some time in the morning room with my journal, shereadstruth.com devotional and an omelette, I'm happy! :) Once I start the work day I work on things that people are WAITING on first and then I attempt to work ons special projects!

What helps you stay organized?
I LOVE Evernote! I'm constantly figuring out new ways to use it to collect my ideas, thoughts and to-do lists. It's working for now! I also have a "Shoots in Progress" worksheet that I use to keep my current work organized! You can actually download it for FREE by signing up for our newsletter! : http://katelynjamesblog.com/newsletter-signup/

I am a huge fan of your home decor posts, what inspires your decorating style, and where are your favorite places to shop for your home?
Oohh I love this question!! I don't have a massive home decor budget and so Target and Homegoods are my go-to places for new decor! I love seeing ideas on home decor blogs and then trying to recreate them on a smaller budget. I also love Joss and Main and One Kings Lane! You can follow our new home series HERE! "A Home Made for Hosting" is all about helping people decorate and create spaces that they love to host in!!

You and Michael work together full time which is amazing! What is your biggest advice to someone wanting to work with their spouse, how do you make it work?
Whew! Zach and Jody Gray once told us that it would take 3-4 years to really get your systems down and that's so true! Michael and I have been working together for two and a half years and we're still figuring out what works well for me and what works well for him. My systems aren't his systems and we realized this very early on! Taking time to talk through what is and isn't working is so important!

What is the biggest thing God has been teaching you this year?
To TRUST him and to have more margin in our life. We are shooting less weddings this year and it's the first time in 7 years that we have intentionally taken a step back. He's showing us that He's in charge and He knows what we need. So we're learning to trust this year!
What are your must have products?
Hmm, in my personal life, I love my VERB hair products and in my business life, I love my ONA BAG!!!
Follow along with Katelyn: