A Prayer for Solace in the Midst of Holiday Hustle

Heavenly Father,


Holiday hustle.

Busy, so busy. Parties, shopping, dinners, wrapping

Loud, so loud. In my loneliness, longing, heartbreak

Craving peace, craving quiet, craving You

Help me make space

Slow down

Search out still moments

Help me pause


Quiet the chaos and just be

Instead of bustling about, centering on You

Instead of hustling, hushed and listening

Instead of amassing more, leaning into the real meaning

Remind me what this is all about

Show me where joy abides

Lead me to peace

Give me Your heart for this season

May I be found

Choosing to focus on those forgotten

Looking for the one alone

Not rushing past the downcast

Instead, showing lavish generosity

May I speak

Joy to the world

Peace unto men

Promises are kept

Faithfulness is fulfilled

May I believe

You are the Savior

The hope of all mankind

The only hope

For this broken, desperate world

May I remember
Longing for salvation has ceased

God with us, Immanuel, Jesus

He came

Came to love

And forgive

And restore

And bring back

And redeem

And set free

Came to open

Eyes and ears

Hearts and souls

To truth

Came to show the way

Lead the way

Make a way

To the Father

Jesus came

Jesus is here

Here in my rush.

Here in my hurt.

Here in the hard that looms so large.

You are always here

With me

The world rushes

I close my eyes

Thoughts flurry

I breathe You in

To-do list tugs

I tarry a little longer

It’s You, Jesus.

You are the One

I cherish and celebrate

Adore and await

This Christmas season

You, Only You.
