Can Christians Get Botox?

Note: Please do not use the comment section to debate this topic. Rather, feel free to use the comments section to discuss Scripture kindly and build one another up in love.


Recently, women in my neighborhood have been hosting botox parties. It’s an interesting premise—women gathering together, united around a common desire for younger skin. And if I’m honest, this trend has really made me think. I’m in my mid-thirties, and my skin is definitely not what it used to be. Three kids, ministry, and daily stress haven’t helped, I’m sure. So, I’ve been searching my heart—what do I think about botox? And more importantly, what does God have to say about it? Does the Bible speak about this issue? 


Ultimately, as with many decisions, there is great freedom for us in Christ. There is freedom for all kinds of decisions not explicitly commanded in Scripture, including what kind of home we buy, whether or not we do our nails, or whether we do botox. 

There is freedom in Christ | TDGC

What Does the Bible Say About Botox?


Without question, there was no botox when the Bible was written two thousand years ago. But the principles of Scripture are always helpful for us in every area of our lives. And certainly, there is nothing inherently wrong with using modern medicine to relieve various ailments and painful symptoms. But what about in my case? I am no model needing botox for a job, nor am I struggling with a medicinal need for botox. My motive for botox would be to look younger and feel more beautiful (based on western cultural norms). So what does the Bible have to say about that? 


Thankfully, Scripture is not silent on the topic of beauty. To begin with, God is beautiful (Psalm 27:4), and we are made in His image (Genesis 1:27). Not only this, but God makes things beautiful in His perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Beauty is not inherently bad, yet in our sin, we can sometimes proudly elevate our beauty and find our worth in it (Ezekiel 28:17). The Bible does not ignore physical beauty (Genesis 26:7), but at the same time, it does warn against overly prioritizing it. It condemns vanity and conceit and warns against placing a greater emphasis on physical appearances than the heart. So while Scripture does not directly condemn botox, it does give us plenty to think about when it comes to our motives (1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Peter 3:3–4, Proverbs 31:30). 


Therefore, for those thinking through botox, it may be helpful to ask heart-probing questions, such as: Am I placing a greater emphasis on inward or outward beauty? How am I growing in the Lord and my time with Him? Am I thinking biblically about old age or trying to ignore the natural aging process (Proverbs 16:31)? Am I being vain and conceited or am I trying to serve others (Philippians 2:3-4)? Am I trying to draw attention to myself and win the affirmation of others (1 Timothy 2:9)? Are my decisions motivated by the worship of God or self? Answering these questions will help us to make decisions rooted not in ourselves, but in Scripture.



Freedom in Christ


There is great freedom for us in Christ as we navigate personal convictions. While I’m not against the idea of botox entirely, I think I’ll pass on it for now. So, if you see me in real life, I hope that the smile lines around my eyes remind you that God’s been good to me. I hope the stress wrinkles on my forehead point to the truth that God has been faithful to me, even through the real stresses and sorrows of life. Even so, if one day I decide to cover up my wrinkles with botox, God will still be good to me. He is still faithful in my life with or without good skin. I pray that all of my wrinkles (or lack thereof) will point those around me toward Christ, not myself. 


Understandably, those around me may come to different personal conclusions in their respective seasons of life, and that’s okay. We can still find unity and have grace with one another because of the grace and freedom offered in the gospel. With or without botox, our bodies will continue to age with each passing year. Doing botox does not permanently erase the effects of the fall, it simply alters some of our wrinkles for a season. 


Ultimately, our beauty is not our hope—Christ is. Good skin will not save us—only Christ does. So regardless of where you land in the botox debate, look to Christ as the source of your worth and joy. Prioritize the kind of beauty that never fades—the priceless worth of a heart fixed on Christ. 

Christ is our hope | TDGC

Look to Christ as the source of your worth and joy | TDGC

Additional resources on our identity in Christ