Encouragement for the College Student Who is Uncertain About the Future
“What are your plans after graduation?”
I spent my entire senior year of college in complete fear of this question. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment every time as I tried to scramble together an answer that usually ended with, “I don’t know, actually.”
I was hopelessly and utterly lost. I felt like I could break under the weight of that decision crushing my shoulders. I applied for over twenty jobs that year, and with each rejection, that weight dug deeper and deeper. I had always been so sure of myself, of my skills, of my direction in this life, but suddenly, the Lord closed every door I was arrogantly certain He would open. Growing up, people always told me that God would guide my path, but as graduation day crept closer and closer, I couldn’t help but think those were now just empty sayings.
Maybe you are just beginning your college journey and are trying to decide which degree to pursue, or maybe you’re halfway through your chosen degree and suddenly questioning the direction you thought you wanted to go. Or maybe, you’re in those final months of college and feel the same weight of responsibility I did as you glare at the terrifying, uncertain future.
No matter where you’re at, we can all face moments when we feel lost in the face of daunting, life-changing decisions. As a college student, how do you know God’s will or direction for your life? Let’s turn our attention to the Word of God in Psalm 37. As we look at the first few verses of this psalm, we’re going to compare its instructions for humanity with its assurance of God’s promises.
Our Instructions:
Verses 1, 7: Do not be agitated by or envy evildoers.
Verses 3, 5: Trust in the Lord.
Verse 3: Do what is good.
Verse 4: Take delight in the Lord.
Verse 5: Commit your way to the Lord.
Verse 7: Be silent before the Lord; wait expectantly for the Lord.
God’s Promises:
Verse 4: He will give you your heart’s desires.
Verse 5: He will act.
Verse 6: He will shine righteousness and justice.
Verse 15: He will defeat the wicked.
Verse 17: He will support the righteous.
Verse 18: He will watch over and satisfy those who love Him and follow His ways.
So, let’s ask this question again: how do you know God’s will or direction for your life? In light of Psalm, 37, it seems like the answer can be summarized like this: Love the Lord, live faithfully for Him, and trust Him above all else. This purpose is not just designated for college students deciding on a career path, but it is the complete and total purpose of every human’s existence.

When life decisions stand before us, it can seem like our whole reality is dependent on it—like an ever-existent fog clouding our vision. But this psalm reminds us that the weight of our future does not actually rest on our shoulders at all. As we jump down a few verses, the psalm gives us some of the most encouraging truth in the face of uncertainty.
A person’s steps are established by the LORD,
and he takes pleasure in his way.
Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed,
because the Lord supports him with his hand.
Psalm 37:23–24

The Lord we worship is not a God of confusion or manipulation. He does not sit up in heaven, laughing at how silly we are as we wander around trying to discern His direction for our lives. He cares for us (Matthew 7:11), He sees us (Genesis 16:13), and He knows our needs (Matthew 6:8). God’s will for our lives is not some mystery we need to discover. Our responsibility is to live faithfully to the Lord and to trust Him along the way. If God can provide for the birds of the air, then He will certainly provide for you, dear college student (Matthew 6:26, 33–34).
Even in light of this glorious truth, we sometimes confuse God’s provision with our own expectations. Psalm 37:4 says, “He will give you your heart’s desires,” and if this verse was interpreted according to my heart’s desires as a college senior, I would be a magazine editor living in a New York City studio apartment with a closet full of fabulous clothing.
Instead, the Lord gave me an inglorious, not “Instagram-worthy” job, spending most weekends caring for my mom and her declining health. It wasn’t my dream, and it wasn’t what I thought I deserved for my life. But I learned more about the Lord and His character in that season than I ever could have if I chose my own post-grad path. I fell more in love with my Savior, and discovered that He was my heart’s truest desire.

College student, your decisions are not more powerful than the Lord—and there is great comfort in such a humble truth. Trust in the Lord and live faithfully to Him. Even when you fall, you will not be overwhelmed, for our God will always hold you with His mighty hand.