He is Enough No Matter What

I just finished going through Philippians again with lots of other women using the Joy in Christ Journal. Philippians has been becoming one of my favorite books in Scripture recently because of its beautiful reminder that we can have Joy in Christ no matter what we are facing in our lives. Constantly though out the book Paul reminds the Philippians that Jesus is better, that Christ is sufficient, and that we can have joy through anything in life that we face. In our day, there is huge popularity in the "prosperity gospel", where popular teachers, preachers, and christian personalities falsely claim that Jesus wants you to be healthy and wealthy. Their teachings seem encouraging and exciting, but the problem is, that the things that they teach are just not what the Bible teaches. They are not what we see lived out in Biblical narratives and the lives of those that followed God in the Bible. God has not promised us money, health, possessions or for things to go just the way that we want them to go. He has promised us Himself. The point of the gospel is not that we will get everything that we want, and live easy lives because we have decided to follow Jesus, the point of the gospel is that we get Jesus, and no matter what happens in our lives, Jesus is enough. Every single thing that we face should point us back to Christ. Every. Single. Thing. The good things that we have been given should remind us of our Savior, and produce in us thankful hearts. The sufferings that we face should push us running into the arms of the one who loves us. It is easy to want to buy into a false gospel that teaches that God's greatest desire is for us to be healthy and wealthy and have earthly success; but it is the true gospel that compels us to love Him, to lean on Him, to worship Him no matter what happens. He is enough no matter what. Bible-4