How to Teach Your Children About Christ
As a parent, one of your greatest desires is likely to raise children who love and follow Jesus. Yet, with the busyness of life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the responsibility. Maybe you’ve struggled with where to start or wondered if your efforts are even making an impact. I’m here to reassure you that you’re not alone. Many parents face the challenge of balancing everyday tasks while nurturing a deep, Christ-centered faith in their children. But I have good news for you—teaching your children about Christ doesn’t have to be complicated. With intentionality and prayer, you can guide them toward a growing relationship with Jesus.
Model What Following Christ Looks Like
The most impactful way to teach your children about Christ is to simply live out your faith. Children are keen observers, often learning more from our actions than our words. If you want them to embrace Jesus, you must first demonstrate what it means to follow Him in your own life.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 11:1, “Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.” Teaching your children about Jesus begins with your own personal relationship with Him. This may mean you need to set aside time to reflect on how you are living according to God’s Word. Are you regularly reading and meditating on Scripture? Are you spending time in prayer? Are you loving others as Christ loves you? Do your actions mirror God’s character and His gospel? When your children see you model these behaviors, they’ll begin to understand that following Jesus isn’t just about what they say, but about how they live.
Make Talking About Christ Part of Daily Habits
Teaching your children about Christ shouldn’t be confined to Sunday school. It should be a natural part of your daily life. Incorporating conversations about Jesus into everyday moments, especially in difficult times, will help your children see how the gospel impacts every aspect of their lives.
Deuteronomy 6:7 encourages you to repeat God’s Word to your children: “Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Wherever you are with your children, make it a habit to talk about Christ. Maybe it looks like discussing a Bible story over breakfast, pointing out examples of Christ’s love around you as you drive them to school, or sharing how God has worked in your life as you gather for supper. The more your children hear you speak about Christ, the more it will shape their own understanding of who He is and what He has done for them. Therefore, let your conversations reflect Christ’s presence in your daily life.

Read the Bible Together
One of the best ways to teach your children about Christ is by reading the Bible together. The Word of God is living and active, and it has the power to transform hearts and minds. By regularly reading Scripture with your children, you are laying a strong foundation for their faith.
And since children learn through what is modeled to them, try making Bible reading fun. When you do, you will teach them that the Bible is not just a book to be read but a book to be enjoyed—because it’s the greatest story ever. So here’s a couple of tips for you as you read the Bible aloud:
Use big facial expressions, differing voice levels, and dramatic gestures to keep their attention longer.
Use a children’s Bible, as the language may be more accessible.
Ask questions as you read to engage them more deeply.
Pray and Worship Together
Teaching your children about Christ goes beyond just talking about Him—it also involves pointing them to Him through prayer and worship. When you pray together, you are teaching your children to communicate with God, acknowledge His sovereignty, and express their dependence on Him.

Worship is another vital aspect of guiding your children toward Christ. Singing praises to God, whether at church or at home, helps cultivate a heart of gratitude and reverence. As they worship the Creator who gave them everything, they’ll begin to understand that their lives should be centered around Him.
Therefore, encourage your children to pray with you. Teach them the Lord’s Prayer, create moments of worship that feel natural and enjoyable. Let them connect with Jesus in a deeper way.
Raising children who love and follow Christ is a rewarding but intentional journey. By modeling Christ’s love, making Him a natural part of daily conversations, reading the Bible, and praying and worshiping together, you’ll help your children develop a growing faith. Remember, the journey doesn’t have to be perfect. What matters is that your consistent efforts to point your children toward Jesus in every area of life. Trust that God will work through your efforts and guide your children toward a lifelong relationship with Him.