O Come Immanuel: A Christmas Prayer
Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, God revealed to the prophet Isaiah that a virgin would have a son who would be called Immanuel, or God with us (Isaiah 7:14). Then, one night in the small town of Bethlehem, Jesus fulfilled that prophecy. A baby born to an unwed mother and laid in a manger was, in fact, God incarnate. And as He grew, Jesus fulfilled so many other prophecies as He lived among us on earth, died for His people on the cross, and rose again in victory over sin and death. Thousands of years after He rose, we have the opportunity to remember and reflect on that glorious night. At Christmastime, we celebrate the gift of God’s presence with us. As you gather with family and friends in the next couple of days, consider reciting this prayer together to give thanks to God for who He is and what He has given us.

A Christmas Prayer
O Come, O Come Immanuel,
God, You have come to live with us.
We rejoice because You gave up heaven
to live on earth as a man.
You humbled Yourself
and came as a baby.
You grew hungry, tired, and thirsty.
You know what it is like to be in pain,
and You bring comfort to the hurting.
O Come, O Come Immanuel,
You have saved Your people.
We rejoice because we have been rescued.
Although we have all sinned,
and deserve the punishment of death,
You gave up Your life for ours
to free us from our debt.
O Come, O Come Immanuel,
God, You have come to dwell with us.
We rejoice because You did not leave us here alone.
Your Spirit dwells with us always,
and You will never leave Your people.
O come, O Come Immanuel,
Jesus, You will come again.
We rejoice because we will live with You forever.
One day You will reign over heaven and earth.
And the fullness of Your glory
will shine before us forever.