Practical Discipleship for the Busy Mom

It was 9:00pm, the baby was finally down for the night, or at least until his next feeding, and all I could think about was going to bed myself. As I crawled under the covers I realized I had not read my Bible yet again. Flash forward four years, it is 9:00pm, the toddler is in bed. All I can think about is going to bed myself, and then that all too familiar feeling of forgetting my Bible reading bubbles up again. That feeling is typically one of guilt, a feeling we moms are a little too familiar with if we are honest.

Being a mom is a wonderful gift from God. The ability to nurture, love, and point small hearts to Jesus is a privilege and simultaneously a weighty task. How do we point our kids to Christ when we are oftentimes so busy we hardly have time to be in the Word ourselves? Days fly by filled with laundry, meal prepping, jobs, school, appointments, sports practices, and homework. In these busy seasons of life, how can moms intentionally grow in their walk with the Lord when they may only have five minutes? Below are some practical tips and reminders to help you as you navigate such a busy, yet rewarding season. God knows every item on your to-do list, and He can be a part of each and every task.

  • Get rid of the guilt!

Romans 8:1 says, "There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." Jesus destroyed sin on the cross, which also destroyed your mom guilt and your feelings of being a bad Christian. Moms struggle with guilt over so many things, but Jesus has freed us from this so we can move forward in victory. When you are tempted to beat yourself up over your parenting or your lack of Bible reading, don't waste time feeling guilty. Repent when needed and move forward to redeem that time for Jesus.

  • Be intentional.

This might seem obvious, but cultivating a thriving relationship with the Lord does take intentionality. But that intentionality does not have to be an hour long quiet time at 4:00 am before your household wakes up or at 12:00 am when you finally drag yourself to bed. God knows these years are busy. Instead of spending one long period of time with the Lord, try spending several shorter periods with Him throughout the day.

  • Post Scripture around your home.

When my little guy was a baby, I had index cards with Scripture passages that I kept by my bed, the kitchen sink, and even in the car. Each time I was in those areas I read the verse on those cards and tried to memorize them, pray them, or just meditate on the Lord's goodness. Having Scripture around your home will also point your reading-age kids to those passages. You can even get them involved as they help choose the verses and you learn them together. I might not have spent long hours in the Word on those days but my heart was focused on the Lord as I went about my daily tasks.

  • Be intentional about the books you read to your children.

The books you read to your children can also impact you. We are blessed to live in an age when there are so many gospel-centered books for children that not only point them to Jesus but point parents to Him as well. Never underestimate the impact of the gospel in your own life as you read it to your children. (Make sure you check out the booklist at the end of this blog.)

  • Redeem the time in the car.

Moms today can feel like a neverending Uber service but without the pay. As you spend all that time in the car, utilize it to sing worship songs, listen to a sermon or podcast, pray, or listen to a Bible reading app. All of these tools can point your heart to the Lord and even instill these habits in your watching and listening children.

  • Find a gospel-centered community!

Community is vital to staying faithful in our walks with the Lord. In these busy mom years we can sometimes isolate ourselves from community using the "too busy" excuse. Whether you attend a Bible Study at your church, host one in your home, or meet a friend for accountability and coffee, seek out purposeful relationships that point you to Jesus. These women can be a lifeline and support to encourage you in difficult seasons. Invite them into all your emotional mess and even the mess in your house. None of us have lives that are magazine ready. It is in the busy mess of life that Jesus can shine the brightest.

Over and over in the gospels, Jesus simply tells people to "come." In this busy mom season, He just wants you to come, sweet sister. Bring the good, the hard, the ugly, and especially your tired heart to the feet of your Savior. He will carry you through and help you grow even when your time with Him may be shorter than you like. Jesus redeems our time when we intentionally seek Him. As your season changes and you have more time to be in the Word, by all means do it. Our intention to grow and spend time with the Lord should never stop. Your day is meant to be a living sacrifice before the Lord. Determine today to give every task to God, and you will grow right in front of your watching family. And remember, "He who calls you is faithful; he will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

Book List for Kids:

Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

God's Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell

Amen: The Story of the Bible from Eden to Eternity by The Daily Grace Co.

Any Time, Any Place, Any Prayer by Laura Wifler

Sweeter than the Sweetest Honey – Board Book by The Daily Grace Co.

The Garden, The Curtain, and The Cross by Carl Laferton

The Big Wide Welcome by Trillia Newbell