Praying Through Psalm 23
No matter how many times I read it, Psalm 23 always hits me hard. In good times, it gives voice to my gratitude to God. In difficult times, it serves as an anchor for me. Reading it on good days seems to make those days better. And reading it on hard days seems to make those days bearable. I can’t think of a single situation in life for which the words of this psalm wouldn’t help and comfort me in some way.
Because of that, Psalm 23 is a psalm I always tend to read slowly, trying to savor the richness of each stanza. And often, as a way to savor it, I find myself praying the words of this psalm back to God. Sometimes verbatim; but more often putting it into my own words and, at times, incorporating elements of my current life circumstances into it.
Below is a prayer based on Psalm 23 that you may choose to take and pray verbatim to God. Or you may use it as a template to craft your own prayer based on this beloved psalm. However it looks, may this prayer reinforce deep in your heart the comforting truth that God is your Shepherd.

Lord, You are everything to me. You protect me, guide me, and heal me.
Under your care, my life is at its best. You provide all my needs and bring peace to my soul. With You, I flourish.

For Your own glory, you lead me on paths that lead to life. I will never regret following You.
Lord, even when those paths wind through stressful and painful situations, I know that I don’t walk through them alone. For even there You are beside me, taking me by the hand and guiding me. All that would seek to harm me must contend with You.
Lord, you have brought me into an intimate relationship with you, giving me a seat at Your table. You give me everything I need and more.

God, you do not withhold good from me. Your goodness is not given to me reluctantly. Rather, your mercy and goodness pursue me. And because of Your mercy, seen supremely in the giving of Your Son Jesus Christ, I know that I will enjoy a full, unending life with you on a new earth that is free of danger and full of pastures.