Reflection Questions for the New Year

The new year feels like a fresh start. The calendar starts over and so do our resolutions. Often, we are allotted the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and gear up for changes and growth for the year to come. In these reflections, we can learn a lot about ourselves, our hopes, what worked, and what didn't. We may even feel a sense of regret if we didn't accomplish all that we'd hoped.

But it's important to remember that each year is another grace of God and more time for Him to continue His work in us. Each year, we are reminded of our utter incapability apart from the Lord and our need for His perfect and loving hand in sanctifying us. He continues to give us the time we need to accomplish all that He planned for us to accomplish in our lifetime. Before we make our lengthy lists and lofty goals, let's take a moment to prepare our hearts with careful reflection. Let's be thoughtful and intentional about how we will invest ourselves this year - spiritually, emotionally, physically, and relationally.

Below are 20 questions to help you get started. Grab a journal and a friend. Get out for coffee or go on a walk. Ask one another each question and share openly with one another. Write down your responses as you go and identify the areas of your life that need a little more attention this year. Pray intentionally for one another in those concentrated areas and commit to hold one another accountable. Remind one another of God's gracious continued work in one another and His help provided along the way.

  1. Have I been daily prioritizing the careful reading of God's Word?
  2. Am I relying on prayer daily as an act of utter need and dependence on God?
  3. Am I creating healthy eating habits?
  4. Have I been stewarding my bed time well?
  5. Have I been productive at work?
  6. Am I making the extra effort to care for my home and serve my family?
  7. How have I been cherishing and making time for my spouse?
  8. In what ways can I show more attention and thought to my children?
  9. How can I take note of the simple joys of my days?
  10. In what ways do I need to unplug from social media and electronics?
  11. How can I seek to steward my time well?
  12. How can I think more intentionally about the ways I spend money?
  13. What has my involvement in the church looked like, and how I can aim to serve well this year?
  14. Who have I been able to meet and connect with this year?
  15. What relationships do I hope to take deeper?
  16. Have I been celebrating and acknowledging the gifts of my friends and family?
  17. How have I been stewarding the gifts God has given to me?
  18. In what ways am I trusting God this season?
  19. How have I seen God faithfully provide for me recently?
  20. What areas of my life do I see a need for growth and sanctification?