Scraped Knees and Bruised Hearts
The other day, we went on a family walk. As we were going around the neighborhood, one of my daughters looked up at me with the sweetest grin and reached up to grab my hand. We walked and talked hand-in-hand like that for a few special minutes before she unwittingly tripped over a piece of uneven sidewalk.
Instinctively, as she fell, I pulled her up. One of her knees gently grazed the ground, but because I was holding her hand, she was spared many of the scrapes and bruises she would have otherwise had. Because I was holding her, even though she tripped, she was protected.
The next morning, I happened to read these verses (no exaggeration!): "The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand." Psalm 37:23-24. Wow. Isn't that just like the Lord to use the small, seemingly mundane moments of our day to teach us about Himself?
What a comfort these verses were to me! In a season of uncertainty and confusion, the Lord used this small moment to remind me of his gentle care. Here's a few things the Lord reminded me about through these verses:
"My> steps are established by the Lord" - The Lord knows my future. He leads me and guides me in paths that I don't yet know. He knows the way, even when I'm like a child, uncertain of the path that we're journeying on. My Creator isn't sitting in heaven, distracted and unable to help, and blind fate doesn't dictate my life. Rather, my heavenly father lovingly leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake (Psalm 23:3). He doesn't always show me the big picture, but he does promise to lead me step-by-step on the way.
"When he delights in way"- Oh how I love taking walks with my little ones! It's the highlight of my day. How much more does God delight in our daily walks with him. He takes pleasure in the progress we make. He delights as we talk to him, engage with him, seek him and enjoy him on the way. He hasn't forgotten me; he is mighty to save, and delights over me with singing (Zeph 3:17).
"Though fall "- I'm not promised an easy life free of pain or suffering. I'm not promised a predictable and comfortable life without any scrapes or bruises either. Though there may be ups and downs in life, and though the sidewalk isn't always even, the Lord's hand is steady. God could have prevented my falls in life, but he allows bumps in the road to remain in order to sanctify me and grow my faith.
" shall not be cast headlong"- Though these hardships may come, they will not last forever. Though I may scrape my knees in life, the One who has all power and authority protects me. In my weakness, I can point to the strength of God. As Paul says, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)
"For the Lord upholds hand"- He holds my hand, even when I feel weak. He knows the way, and he knows my every step. I'm not held up in life because I'm strong enough, or because I have it all together. I don't need to do "all the things" perfectly for my life to go well. Rather, I can trust in the one who holds me. He is my "very present help in time of need" (Ps 46:1).
Through Christ, my scrapes and bruises are only temporary. Though sorrows may last for the night, joy comes in the morning (Ps 30:5). We will all experience scraped knees and bruised hearts on this side of heaven, but we know that in the end, he made a way.
When Jesus died on the cross, he put to death the penalty that we deserved because of our sins. When he rose from the dead, he secured our victory and eternal life! He is preparing a home for us that is without pain, bruises or sorrow or (Jn 14:2, Rev 21:4).
One day, we will see him face to face. One day, our faith will be made sight; our sorrows will be no more.
He is in the journey, and he will lead us home.