Treasuring up the Good News

DG-blog-header-12-24-01 Christmastime in upon us. There's a sort-of sweetness in the air this time of year as many of us hunker down for this anticipated holiday. But, with so much going on, it can be difficult to stay your mind on the proverbial reason for the season. We ought not be inundated with superfluous things, instead, let's fix our minds on what was accomplished through the Savior's birth. Let's dwell on the Impossible. The Nativity is a story that we are most likely familiar with. The Son of God came to this earth, born of a virgin, in the humble means of a manger. The King over all the earth would be delivered in a stall. He would come as an infant, lowly and humble and vulnerable. But He came on a mission to redeem His people and free them from enslavement to their own sin. It's a precious story filled with hope. It breaks the bond of darkness and reminds us that God will accomplish what He promises, even if it means doing the impossible and unexpected.

Luke 2:19 "But Mary was treasuring up all these things in her heart and meditating on them."

DG-instas-Dec24- Mary provides for us a template for our posture during the season of Advent. Mary treasuredthe events of Jesus' birth in her heart. Her mind dwelt upon the incarnation of God. She carried the Messiah in her womb and through her body He was born. Mary didn't fail to see the miracle before her eyes, she wasn't blinded to the majesty in the manger. Mary meditated on God coming to earth as a babe, with the hosts of Heaven rejoicing in the skies. This is diametrically juxtaposed to what is typical for the holiday season, isn't it? What sort of things do we meditate on rather than the glorious incarnation of Christ? We treasure of Christmas trees, and Christmas movies, and Christmas gifts. We treasure up shopping, and feasting, and candlelight services. In the world's hubbub that seeks to sway us, let us pause. In remembrance, let's dwell on the good news of great joy we have in Jesus Christ.

Luke 2:9 "Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: 11 Today in the city of David a Savior was born for you, who is the Messiah, the Lord."

DG-instas-Dec24-2 Earlier in the nativity story, we meet the shepherds who witnessed something astounding–angels filled the skies to announce Jesus Christ's birth. The angels called this birth announcement "good news of great joy that will be for all the people." Good news of great joy. A Messiah was born, a blessing to all the nations. He was the Son of David, a Jewish-born King, but His birth would open up the heritage of becoming God's people. His birth would be good news and joyous because His birth made a way for all peoples, Jews and Gentiles alike, to become part of the chosen family of God. The good news is that God came down to earth to live a life as a sinless man. The good news is that God enacted His plan for redemption. The good news is that this gift wasn't limited–Jesus was born to bless the nations. DG-instas-Dec24-3 Let's meditate on God putting on human flesh, coming to earth in a vulnerable body that needed to be swaddled to be kept warm and safe. Let's meditate on miraculous nature of the virgin birth, that God made a way amid the impossible to enact His plans. Let's dwell on the grand plan of God's redemptive story, that this lowly baby contained the answer to promises foretold for centuries. Let's pause and remember that it's true–that it's all true. The Christmas story is real, and we are alive because of it. Let's treasure these things up in our hearts, meditating on them and worshipping the God who came to save us. Sarah Morrison is a staff writer for The Daily Grace Co.