Two Commands

Yesterday I talked a bit about success, and what it isn't, so today I thought I would talk a bit about what it is. I have realized that most blog posts that I write come out of conversations that Jeremy and I have. We talk, and then I think, and then I blog. The amazing thing is that sometimes we have different conversations and they seem totally unrelated until I sit and process them and realize that they really go together. How do we measure success? What are we called to do? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40 We are called first to love the Lord with every part of ourselves. To give Him everything, every aspect of lives. If we love Him with all of ourselves, He will be our everything, and we will be willing to give Him anything. He will be the One that we run too, He will be what we think about, He will be our Everything. The second part is that we are called to love people. We are called to give of ourselves, to pour our hearts out to those we meet. We are called to be vulnerable and to help those that feel helpless. I love this quote from Katie Davis "I have learned that I will not change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person. So I keep stopping and loving one person at a time. Because this is my call as a Christian." What we don't realize is that when we get the first commandment right and we really love the Lord with our everything, the second commandment just flows out of us. We love people because we love Him. I am not always sure how loving others should flow out of me, and sometimes I feel the Spirit prompting me to step out of my comfort zone, and I ignore it. But, I don't want to ignore it. I want to love others even when it isn't what is comfortable, and even when they aren't just like me. Help me Lord to love you more, and to love the people that you love so much lovegodlovepeople