Unmet Expectations: Gospel Hope for Disappointment in Marriage and Singleness | Ep. 221

I know the temptation is to listen to the part that applies to where you are at, but I encourage you to listen to both parts! Chances are if you are single, you have a married friend. If you are married, you likely have a single friend. (If you don’t, step out of your comfort zone and develop new friendships—you won’t regret it!) There is so much biblical wisdom in this episode that will help you to be a better friend and hopefully a more devoted follower of Christ.
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Time Stamps:
0:00 - Exciting announcement! Come see us at the Adoring Christ Equipping Conference
1:28 About this special two-part episode
Part 1: Unmet Expectations in Marriage
2:56 - Favorite things
4:35 - Pop quiz for our husbands!
6:13 - How marriage is different from what we expected
10:10 - When your spouse doesn’t meet your expectations
16:23 - How do we recognize and change unhealthy patterns in marriage?
19:49 - What the gospel has changed for Kent and Scott
Part 2: Unmet Expectations in Singleness
24:31 - Why Melissa is passionate about talking about singleness
26:07 - How singleness is different from what Melissa expected
30:43 - Encouragement for those who are discontent in singleness
35:43 - What Melissa wants singles to know on Valentine’s Day

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Scripture in this episode:
Philippians 2

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